Chapter 11

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I stayed completely still watching as Charlie's eyes looked from where I was just at to where the two younger males were behind me.

With an intake of breathe, I forced myself to focus before I camouflaged my body turning and pushing the two males aside before ducking as Charlie dove at where we had all just moved from and landed on Hoskins.

I watched from the ground as she began ripping into his skin. "Go!" I yelled at them, running with a limp past them as I forgot about my camouflage allowing it to drop. The others jumped at my sudden appearance before they all ran after me.

Gray and Zach began to run down the hallway before Claire called them back. As we went to run down the opposite hallway, Charlie smashed through the glass wall in front of us and growled loudly at us.

Fortunately she slipped on the glass allowing Owen and I time to push the three othe humans towards the closer exit. 

Remembering my previous encounter with the projector, Gray and I both tapped the 'Holoscape' moving screen makign it project an acid-spitting dinosaur that distracted Charlie resulting in her trying to kill it immediately.

With a grin, we all burst out into the night before we were stopped at the bottom of the steps by Blue who ambushed us.

Before we could escape from her, Charlie burst through the doors and blocked the rear before the pair began circling us.

"That's how it is?" Owen huffed annoyed makign me smirk for a second before I allowed a growl to emminate from my throat at Charlie as she went to bite at Zach.

I watched as Owen lowered and dropped his gun to the ground before staring at Blue as she got up close to him. Everyone stayed deathly still as Owen reached a hand up and unlatched the camera still recording on her head letting it fall to the ground.

The three humans to my side then jumped as the Indominus-Rex showed itself with a loud growl towards us all as it ordered Blue and Charlie to kill us all.

Blue turned to Owen before she made a decision, having just seen that Owen still trusted her.

"You, you're our Alpha" She stated, motioning to Owen before she turned to the Indominus-Rex with a snarl, "You are not!".

The Indominus-Rex roared at her in rage before spinning and using its large tail to whack Blue into one of the buildings to the side. Blue hit the concrete wall with a thud before she fell to the ground unconscious and possibly dead.

The Indominus-Rex then turned back to us before I grinned and walked past Owen, turning into My Velociraptor form and growling a warcry at it. Charlie joined it, both of us roaring at the much alrger Dinosaur before Owen whistled for us to attack it.

With one alst growl, we both charged it before we jumped atop it and began sinking our teeth and talons into its back making it cry out in pain whilst it tried to get us off with its own talons.

Sinking my teeth into the skin above its shoudlers, the sound of Owen firing his gun informed me that he too was attacking the Indominus-Rex but with his gun from a distance.

With a snarl, Charlie was thrown from its back as I buried my longer and stronger teeth into into its neck as it tried shaking me off as well. Once it stopped shaking, I shook my head ripping the skin apart before the Indominus managed to move its head over me and grab me, throwing me towards one of the open windows as each of the males screamed my name.

Hitting something super hot before bouncing off it before landing on the ground of a crowded room made me growl before I got to my feet with a low growl.

'I'm going to turn that meat-stick into fish food!' I snarled to myself before focusing on my camouflage before hiding my thermal radiation.

With a roar, I jumped through the alrge flames hitting the ground on the otherside with ease as I noticed the Indominus-Rex trying to get to the humans hiding in the gift store. 

I growled as I dove into it, biting its taloned foot that had latched onto Gray's bag he wore around his waist before I lowered myself over them to hide their thermal radiation.

I made a shushing noise as the Indominus-Rex looked into the store, not being able to see Gray, Zach and Owen's Thermal radiation ebcause i was blocking it with my body and I had both hidden mine and camouflaged myself.

It growled loudly before soemthign else distracted it on the outside makign it lose its attention on us. I breathed a sigh of relief before turning to my human form and dropping the other abilities.

"Moon?!" The three males gasped as they saw me alive sprawled along the ground in front of their feet.

An ear-splitting roar made all of us abruptly get up and look outside as we all saw the alrge and scarred form of the only Tyranosaurus-Rex occupant of the park.

We each watched as the Tyranosaurus-Rex and the Indominus-Rex began attackign the other. The Tyranosaurus-Rex held the upper-hand for a while before it was thrown to the ground its adversary.

The four of us males all jumped as the left wall of the gift shop was smashed open by the Tyranosaurus's head before it roared at us.

"Run!" I heard Claire scream before I pushed the three males out of the gift shop, diving out of the window just before it was compeltely destroyed by the two fighting Rex's.

I watched from my safer spot as the Indominus-Rex went for the killing blow before I turned into my Velociraptor form, hoping I could prolong the Tyrannosaurus's death.

When my growl was accompanied with another one, I glanced to my right to see Blue standing at my side.

With a nod to the other, we both ran and jumped onto the Indominus-Rex and began to bite at the already injured area's in an attempt to widen them.

Blue and I then jumped out of the way as the down Tyranosaurus-Rex got abck up and latched onto the Indominus's neck. With a lot of growls and snarls, Blue and I both jumped onto the Tyrnaosaurus-Rex's back before jumping back onto the Indominus-Rex's one and continuing our barrage of attacks.

With a surprised growl, Blue was thrown from its back and into another building, this time hitting the window before she rushed back out and continued attackign the Indominus's back.

We both jumped onto it's head as the Tyranosaurus-Rex latched back onto its neck again before we were both thrown to the ground, both of us sliding into the building Blue had alrady visited. I satyed down and watched as the Tyranosaurus-Rex bashed it's head into the Indominus's side makign it hit the tall metal barrier as it fell.

Slowly, it got back up before roaring at us all resulting in us roaring back. When the collosal form of a Mosasaurus leapt out of the large water tank I paled and immediately got to my feet.

With an incredibly surprised expression, we all watched as it latched onto the neck of the Indomus-Rex and pulled it back into its watery home with a loud bellow.

I then walked up to Blue's side as the Tyranosaurus-Rex turned to the pair of us. It looked at us wearily resulting in us to take a step abck to show we were of no harm.

We both sighed with relief upon observing the larger dinosaur turn away from us and disappear into the night before we turned to owen and the others.

I gasped before growling at Blue as she jumped onto my back effectively causing me to overbalance.

"Stay with our Alpha and keep him alive, Moon" She gently spoke before licking the side of my head where one of the scars she had caused ran deeply along it. With a small growl she got off me before she too disappeared into the night.

"He's not my Alpha!" I yelled after her before turning to my human form with a small smile. "You sly Raptor" I added before allowing my smile to widen as Gray jumped at me.

"It's over. We won"

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