Chapter 14

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I was sat in the back of the car, listening to music whilst trying to calm myself down. I was also trying to drown out my mom and Matt as I didn't want to think about things. Yet somehow my mind kept wandering back to what happened a minute ago. If my mom hadn't come upstairs, would Max have kissed me?

The thought made my heartbeat increase. I don't know if it was because of the mate bond but I felt pulled towards him even more, which felt impossible since I was already overwhelmed with emotions. What was going to happen at school next time I see him? Would he just avoid me again?

Matt pulled over at the police station. They had been reluctant to leave Lily alone but she was sleeping and wouldn't wake up easily anyway. They asked the neighbor to check up on her and stay with her until we came back.

I stood up out of the car, my knees felt weak as they wobbled under me.

"It's going to be okay." My mom gave me a reassuring smile, although I knew she was worried too.

We entered inside the lit up building, coming to reception. I felt way too nervous so I let Matt talk to them, they then told us to go sit down in a small room to our left.

I sat down in front of the table, the only knowledge I had of police stations was from movies and the thought of being interrogated scared me in case I said something wrong.

A short man in uniform came in, looking unimpressed when he saw me sat down at the table with my mom by my side. He sighed as though he was used to seing teenagers in terrible states late at night in his job.

"So what can I help you with?" He sat down opposite me.

"I'd like to report someone." I breathed out, looking up into his eyes.


I was back in my room, sprawled across my bed. My arms were wrapped around my pillow hoping I could hug it tighter against myself as though it could replace the feeling of comfort I wanted to feel from someone, but couldn't, because they didn't care. Or they did but thought the best way they could show how much they cared was to leave me alone.

Sighing, I stared up at the ceiling. The police officer said that they couldn't do much about it since they didn't know which Derrick I was referring to, I also needed proof of what I was accusing him since I could have been making it up. I showed him my wounds but he said anyone could have done it and since I didn't know his address they couldn't trace it back to him. My mom was really annoyed but since I had warned her this might happen, she agreed to go home without hitting the officer.

Sunlight streamed into my bedroom, I had fallen asleep in my black jeans and T-shirt which were part of my costume, memories of yesterday came flooding back. I touched my cheek and the slight sting told me it wasn't a dream, Max had come to save me even though he had been ignoring me right before that.

I had spent the ride back trying to convince my mom to let me go to school and she had settled on letting me go but only if I called her if I didn't feel well at any moment.

I looked in the mirror, I had covered up my cheek with foundation and since it would look out of place if I was only wearing that, I put on mascara as well.

As much as I wanted to tie my hair up, I thought it would cover my cheek better if I left it down. It was cold anyways and I didn't want to bring attention to myself.

I walked into Mr Clark's classroom, wondering where the trio was since they weren't on the bus. I hated to admit it, but I was torn between wanting to see them, and being afraid that if Max did show up then he would just act like nothing happened and go back to ignoring me.

In the Moonlight [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now