Chapter 24

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Running out into the snow, I looked around for Max. Why was he outside right now? There was news of there being a snow storm and I didn't want to think of what would happen if he got caught in it.

I should have noticed, it's my fault, he wasn't watching a movie with us, if I had noticed that he was absent earlier maybe I could have caught him.

These sad thoughts kept tormenting me as I struggled through the thick snow. It was dark and I was leaving the area that was still lamplighted.

It was late at night, probably approaching 11, the wind was howling and snow was starting to fall.

The chill nipped at my skin as I hugged my coat closer, trying to open my eyes to look further into the woods.

We were surrounded by a forest, he could have gone out for a run but no, that would be stupid, especially in this weather.

"Max?" I called out into the empty air.

Using my phone as a torch, I looked around the black shadows of trees. I was surrounded by darkness, barely able to see anything.

My legs were getting tired and I was shivering in the frosty blizzard that was picking up.

"Max!! Where are you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping he would hear me considering he's a werewolf.

The snow was growing thicker, enveloping me in the darkness as I was starting to lose track of where I was. The bitter cold slowly numbed every limb in my body. I was afraid, but I just hoped he was okay.


Max's PoV

I was walking in the hallway, when Shae came up behind me again.

"Hey, where are you going?" She smiled and twirled her chestnut, curly hair.

"Downstairs to join everyone." Mainly to see what Lex is up to although I didn't tell her that part.

She grabbed onto my arm. "I was thinking we could do something together." She bit her lip, but not in the same cute and seductive way Lex did.

"Oh well, it's New Year's and I wanted to hang out with everyone. I also left my phone downstairs so I should probably go get it.." I replied, not even looking at her.

"Why?" She raised her voice.

"Huh?" My attention was brought back to her.

"Why won't you pay any attention to me!? I even got rid of Alexa so that that brat wouldn't interrupt us anymore!" Her high pitched voice yelled in the empty hallway.

"What?" I turned around to look at her.

"Oh w-well." She covered her mouth with her hand, realizing the words that had escaped her mouth.

"What did you just say?" I raised my voice, louder than I intended it to be.

"Well, I just thought that, she would get in our way so I told her you were outside and she went looking for you." Her voice came out barely a whisper and died down towards the end of her sentence as she stared down at the ground.

My eyes widened as I rushed downstairs, ignoring the look of shock that appeared on Shae's face as I disappeared.

Before I could reach the door, Isaac chased after me into the entry way.

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