Chapter 13

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Clyde's POV

It's been three months since my wife disappeared. During those months I didn't do anything aside from making my business more progressive. Visiting at her botique believing that she'll be appearing there but still I never see her shadow. I also tried to contact her parents but I failed to have the information I need. Well, I cannot blame them if they'll not give any information about her whereabouts. I even  hired another private investigator to look for her but then he failed to trace where she is. And that's what I've been wondering about. How could he not do his job?

I tried everything I can to look for her but nothing happened. Nothing. No one knows where she is even Faye, Luke and Calvin. She really hate me. But I cannot blame her. It's all my fault. I ignored her when she's here. I'm always with other girls. To sum it up I screwed. I cheated on her. And I don't deserve her forgiveness.
Despite all of this, I'm still hoping that one day she'll show up. And if that will happen, I'll make sure that I'll give everything to her including my heart.

 "Dude, why don't you lossen up," says Calvin who just barged in. Yes, we're back in good terms. They explained everything to me. They are just trying their best to make me realize Alice's worth in my life. But then it was too late for me to realize everything.
"I'd rather stay here than to screw up again. You know what I mean," I answered.
"Yeah, yeah ,I get it but you don't need to crucify yourself. Just try to relax"
I heaved a deep sigh. "Fine where are we going this time?"

"Yes!" he said punching the air. "Don't worry we will be reminding you about the right things to do. We also want you to look clean and pure if ever she comes back. And we want you to relax, that's it" he added.

This past month, the new branch of DG Enterprises encountered some problem. That is when I discovered that someone in my company tried to sabotage my business.

I just gave him a death glare. I know that they are being serious when they say they are watching my every action. I understand because it's also what I asked from them.

After spending my time talking to Calvin, Rina my secretary came in with a pile of papers on her hands. "Sir, this is all the papers you asked for," she said after putting the paper at the side of my table.

 "Thanks, you may leave now. It's already time to go home," I said. Rina is an efficient worker. She's my only secretary who manages to deal with my attitude. My past hired secretaries  quit the job because of my arrogance.
I watch her as she exits my office.

I stayed for another hour at my office  before getting myself ready to go where Calvin invited me. I went to where my car is and drove to the place that they send me. It took me only half an hour to reach my destination.

The smell of the bar filled my nose as soon as I entered. This is the first time I entered a bar after my wife left. I don't how I manage to live without performing my so called things.
"You made it!" says Luke when I reach their place. I sat beside Calvin.

"Yeah, How I miss this place!" I answered that causes them to laugh. I give them a glare.
"So welcome back to your real comfort zone, let's give a cheer for Clyde!" says Calvin.
The night went well. Some girls tried to get my attention but Faye help me to get rid of them. Everytime Faye acts as my date, I could hear Luke groan. Well, they're in a relationship after passing the stage of being frenemies.

It's already midnight when I reach my place. I know by this time Emily is having her rest.
After Alice left, she told me that she know what Alice was planning to do. I want to yell at her but the fact that I was the reason why she left made me not to do such thing. Emily helped me in everything when my friends are not around.

I went straight to my room or should I say Alice's room. Ever since she left, I used the room she'd been using when she was still here.
I didn't change anything in this room. Maybe because they remind me about her. Everything reminds me about how fucked up our marriage. I smiled bitterly as I was again reminded about the things that causes this marriage to end.

I went to the bathroom and have my hot shower. I set aside all the memories and worries that is playing around my head.


I was awaken because of my phone that is ringing. Without opening my eyes, I reach for it at the bedside table. I answered the call with my eyes, half-open. "Hell! What do you need that you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Clyde! Wake up, or else you wouldn't hear anything from me!" says the person from the other line.

I glance at my phone just to be surprised to see who was calling. I suddenly get up and tried to talk in a very casual way, "Hey Angelo, what do you need?"
"Hey there, I have some good news for you and I hope you'll appreciate it," he said.

Angelo was the new investigator I asked to search for Alice and the one I've given the task to search for the one who tried to sabotage my business last month.

"So what is it you wanted to tell me, that you even have to disturb me," I asked.

"Excited are we? Let's meet, I'll not be able to tell you everything when we are just using this medium," he sarcastically says.

"Fine, and make sure that what you're going to tell me is important if you don't want to lose your job," I warned him. The first time he called me and asked me to meet him, he told me that he got all the information I wanted. But then, I was fooled by him. He just wants someone to accompany him. That's why I never really trust him when it come to this.
I just heard someone laugh from the other line. And I know who they are, Calvin and Luke.

"Then why are those two fucking person there?" I asked.

"Oh, they help me out from everything"

"Tsskk, wait for me, I'll be there in an hour," I said.

"Oka- wait what? Fucking one hour!" he shouted that causes me to laugh before ending the call. Well, I'm not really serious about it. I even want to fly to where they are just for me to know what they want to tell me. I'm too excited to know who tried to cross my path. And I'll make sure that he'll suffer for what he did.


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