Chapter 29

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Alice's POV

Being alone inside a room is one of the best feeling for me. This means, I can sleep as long as I want but this time is diferent. The fact that the reason why I'm here is because I was kidnapped by my former friend made me uncomfortable.

I'm alone in this room while there are people outside this room fighting. Hearing gunshots doesn't help in calming me.

I walk towards the the door and tried to call for help. I'm still hoping that someone is going to help me out of this room. "Help! Someone is here!" I shouted as I was pounding hard at the door. I tried and tried until I got tired and feel a little bit dizzy. I leaned on the door and slid down on it until I was sitting on the door base. I pulled my knees up until it reaches my chin.
I stayed in that position for a moment until I hear footsteps coming towards me. I stood from my seat when I hear a soft knock at the door.

Without having a second thought, I opened the door. I was stunned when  a gun was pointed on me. I feel a lot of emotion. I tried to be strong enough but dizziness overcame me. My sorrounding becomes dark. "Alice!" is last thing I heard before I finally close my eyes.

Clyde's POV

I kicked Jake for the last time. He's already weak enough but still he's not telling me where my wife is. "I have my ways Jake," I said as I pointed a gun to him. I almost pulled the trigger when Luke came. "Clyde, we have her. Let him live," he said causing me to put down the gun.

I gave him a last kick on the stomach before walking away from him. "Where is she?" I asks.

"She's with Calvin, she's unconscious," informed Luke.

I tapped Luke's shoulder before running outside the house. I saw Calvin outside the car  that we used  to be here. "Where is she?"

"Inside the car. Dont worry about her," he said. I can see that he's worried.

I look around to see police officers. "Who called them?"

Calvin shrugged his shoulder. "Who else? Luke's girlfriend," says Calvin.

I nodded as an answer before climbing inside the car. Alice is lying at the backseat. My chest tightened as I saw a slice on her face. I use my hand to caress the part of her face that has a slice. This will surely leave a scar on her face. Whoever did this should pay. 

I went outside to talk to Calvin and Luke who are now talking with the police officers. Moments later, I saw one officer coming out from the house with Jake on his side. His hands were chained on his back. I smirked as they pass by me. "You win this time," he said before he was push inside the police car.

"Well, I guess we need to go too," says Luke. We all climbed inside the car and drive off the street that leads to the nearest hospital.

Liza's POV

I clenched my fist as I witness how the officers  brought my brother with them. And this is all because of that woman. She really need to pay for ruining my brothers life and my plan.

I am inside my car, parked just meters away from the house. I was in Clyde's office when I receive a call from my brother. He informed me that Clyde is in the mansion. That explains his absence in his own office.

I'm about to drive away when a police police mobile stopped in front of my car. My hands that is on the steering wheel are shaking as soon as two police officers came out the car and walks towards me.

No, way! This isn't the plan. How did they know that I'm here.
Then that questioned was answered when Faye came out the police mobile.

The police officers asked me to climbed out the car and I followed because of fear. I went out and surrendered to them.

Claiming what is MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon