Chapter 32

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Alice's POV

I was awakened by my phone ringing. When I took my phone from the bedside table, I was not surprises when I see Clyde's name on the screen. "Hello," I answered.

"Hello gorgeous," he replied. Normally, my heart will beat fast everytime he calls me with names but today, I feel like it's just a normal thing for him to do that.

"Hey, you called. What's up?" I asked.

"Don't I have the right to call my ex-wife?" he asked.

"Okay," I simply replied. There alwas a long silence that followed.

"I'll be there soon," he said after a long silence.

"O-okay. But, I thought you'll be staying there for quite some time," I asked.

"I miss you and I wanted to visit you. I want to see you personally," he said that made me swallow. Then a flashback from two weeks ago came accross my mind.


While Calvin and I are watching a movie after having a dinner, Calvin opened a topic that I never expected. "Are you serious?" I asked as I shifted on my seat to have a full view of him. I meet his eyes. I didn't know that he's been staring at me.

"I am Alice. I'm serious when I told you that I wanted to try something new with you. Well, I wanted to - to court you. If - if you allow me to," he replied.

I stared at him I don't know how long. But by just doing that, my heart beats fast. Then a thought of Clyde made me look away.

What will Clyde think of me and Calvin? He's been trying to fix between us. He is Calvin's friend. It's like we're traitors.

'Come on, Ali! Clyde will surely understand. Why don't you give yourself a chance' my inner self said making me heave a sigh. I turned to meet Calvin's eyes. I can only see sincerity in his eyes.

I bit my lower lip. Calvin deserves to be given a chance. And, it's also the time for me to put my attention to someone. I don't know, but maybe, I was just too focused on Clyde that I never see the person whose been with me during those times that I've been in pain.
And, base from how my heart reacts to this man infront of me says something.

"Look, I'm not going to force you. Well, I know that you still love your ex. I- I just want to- "

"Yes," I interrupted him. Calvin just stared at me like he heard something unusual.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, yes. We can give it a shot. You know, I'm willing to level this thing that we are sharing up," I replied.

End of Flashback

"Hey, are you still there?" asks Clyde from the other line.

"Yes, I am," I replied. "When will you come back?" I added. How will I tell Clyde that I'm now in a dating stage with Calvin. How would he react if he'll know it?

"Are you not excited to see me?" he asked.

"I- uhm... I don't know," I honestly replied making him make a hmm sound.

"Then, I'll see you the soonest," he said. "I need to go anyway. I just called to inform you about that," he added.

"Oh, I see. Take good care," I replied.

Clyde ended the call. Once, I put my phone back on the bedside table, I begin to think of the things that might happen the following day. How did I even get into this situation?

I just heaved a deep sigh before standing up from my bed. I went ty bathroom and did my morning rituals. Today, Calvin and I will be going out. The last time I checked, he told me that he'll be introducing me to his parents.

Once I'm done taking a bath, I covered my body with a white dress and paired it with a black two-inch hills. I just put my hair in a messy bun. Once I'm done, I put a simple make up on. I glance at my reflection for the last time before heading out with my black sling bag with me.

When I reach downstairs, I was surprised to see Calvin with my father. "Here she is," announced my dad once his eyes landed on me.

Calvin turned to face me, wearing that smile that I've been addicted to this past days. I walked towards them and give my father a kiss on his check before sitting down beside Calvin. Now, we are both facing my father.

"I can see that my daughter is happy to be with you," my father said as he look at Calvin.

"And I'm honored to be the reason why your daughter is happy. It's unusual for a woman to be happy with someone they're getting to know," Calvin replied with confidence.

"Young man, you're not just a simple man. But, I'm going to warn you right now," my father said that made me stare at him with fear. "You know what happened to my daughter and if she really is happy to be with you, I hope you'll treat her how we treated her. She's our princess and we don't want her to be in the situation she's been before," he added that made me smile.

"I know that sir. And I promise, that I'll never harm her in any way," Calvin replied to which my father nodded.

My father was about to say something when my mother appeared with a tray of bread on her hands. She immediately put the tray on the table between us and sits beside my father. "Come on hon. Let them be. Just be happy that our daughter is now happy with someone else by her side," my mom said as she smiles at us.

"I know and that's what I actually want," says my father.

Silence filled the air. "You know what, let's have our breads first before we eat our breakfast," says my mother and started to eat her bread. Soon, we followed.

Just like what my mother said, after having our bread, breakfast followed. Once we are done, Calvin and went on our way, leaving my parents at home.

Since it's Sunday, we decided to go to a park. And now, we are sitting at a bench watching those childrens play with their loving parents. "Clyde just called me a while ago informing me that he'll be back soon," I said as we are in the middle of our conversation.

"Did you tell him about us?" Calvin asks making me shake my head.

"I can't tell him. Honestly, I'm afraid that he might do something to you."

Calvin pulled my left hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked at him. "Don't worry, I'll take whatever he give me."

"What? What if he punches you? Come on!" I asked making him shake his head.

"I don't care. I'll just let him do it as long as he releases all his anger towards me. What I'm afraid of is the thought that he'll release his anger to you," he replied as he gently rubs the back of my palm.

I smiled. Calvin does loves me. And I'll be honest with my feelings right now. I've fallen into this man. And I think, I've claimed what is rightfully mine. And that is the happiness and the peace of mind that I have with this man that I'm sitting with. I never felt this when I was with Clyde. Well, that's what I realized as Calvin and I started dating.

Without even thinking twice, I moved closer to him and kisses him on his lips. Calvin was taken a back by my action as he stared at me with pure disbelief. "Did you just stole a kiss from me?" he asked when he came back to his senses.

I smiled sheepishly. "You can say that," I replied. I can see happiness written on his handsome face.

Calvin stared at me for a second until he decided to make a move. He used his free hand to pull me closer to him and kisses me. I closed my eyes and immediately responded to his kisses. I smiled at the back my head. I didn't know that this is really what it feels to be with someone who really cares and loves you. This is what they call love.

When we are both out of breath, we pulled away from each other. That's when I heard the words I've been waiting to hear from him. "I love you," he said before kissing me on my forehead.

I looked at him and smiled. "I love you too," I replied and hug him. I put my head over his chest. Now, I can clearly hear his heart beat.

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