Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I've learned ta' enjoy the nice, quiet days that come around every once in while like I never have before. Today is one of those nice days.

The birds are out and chirpin' merrily, and the sun is shinin' nicely with just a few clouds in the sky. I ain't seen nothin' dead all day either, which is great. Everything would be perfect if I had a proper coat, seein' as it's so Goddamn cold. I'm hungry too. I ain't ate in a few days 'cause I ain't been able ta' catch nothin'. Winter is either killin' everything or makin' it hide away and sleep, and there ain't much ta' find as far as berries go, so I'm searchin' this little town today fer whatever there is ta' find. I'm pretty much desperate at this point in time.

The first thing I come across when I amble up the main drag is a little Mom and Pap grocery store. It's small, just a few aisles and an old ice cream bar, but it's worth a shot. I hop down off Vi and tie her up right near the window where I can see her, grabbin' my bat and checkin' my gun over before I walk in.

Very quietly, I open the door ta' the little shop, cringin' when a bell sounds overhead. The noise isn't a loud one, but the dead things love anythin' that makes a noise and will come stumblin' from all directions ta' find what it is. Luckily, nothin' comes jumpin' out. I move further into the store and clear the few little aisles easily. This little store looks like it ain't been looted yet, or not completely, anyway, 'cause there's a few things on the shelves, which is more than I was expecting.

I comb the dusty shelves deftly, searchin' for any sort a' food and water. The first two shelves bear nothin' useful, but I find a big box a' saltines stashed behind some vinegar on the next one. I resist the urge ta' bust it open and start eatin' right then and there and move on ta' the next aisle.

After finishin' searchin' the whole joint, I come up with one box a' saltines, two bottles a' water, hair ties, medical gauze, some bandages, and a bottle a' rubbin' alcohol. This is a major score for my food supply and my First Aide kit, which is awesome. I'll be alright for a little while, and then again, I still have the rest of the town ta' go through.

I pack everything in my bag neatly and shoulder my pack, ready ta' move on, in high spirits at the fact that I'm gonna eat somethin' tonight, but my mood plummets and my blood practically freezes in my veins when I hear store's little bell chime cheerily.

"Rick, ya' sure there's someone here? Anybody coulda' left that horse there." I can make out that this voice is male and gravely, but I have ta' strain my ears ta' hear what he's sayin'.

"Yeah. That horse is too well taken care of. It ain't hungry and it ain't skinny. Ya'll fan out and find 'em. Gimme a shout when ya' do." This voice also belongs to a man, but it's smoother than the first.

"Alright." This voice deep, but female. That doesn't comfort me though, and I can feel myself startin' ta' panic. It's three on one, and these people gotta be armed with somethin'.

Calm down, Scarlett, I tell myself. Take a deep breath and hide. They'll leave eventually, but if they do find you, fight.

I do exactly that, suckin' in the quietest breath I can muster and movin' quietly towards the checkout counter. I can hide behind there and wait for 'em all ta' leave. It'll give me enough cover and somethin' ta' work with. I just gotta pray that they leave Vi alone.

My heart drops straight down ta' my feet when I hear someone wearin' heavy boots behind me. I grip my bat tighter and pull my gun outta my waistband, walkin' faster now and tryin' ta' keep quiet.

"Hey," calls the gravely male voice. He's right behind me I know, and I stop dead in my tracks.


Scarlett (Rick Grimes/OC)Where stories live. Discover now