Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

When everyone gets ready ta' go ta' sleep, I'm find myself too wound up ta' even think a' layin' down, so I offer ta' take first watch immediately. Rick agrees ta' help me out, and that's that.

Michonne and Daryl climb in the bed a' one truck and nestle up in some a' the extra blankets and pillows we brought together, Sasha and Tyreese doin' the same in the other truck. It's not that cold, luckily, so sleepin' none of us have gotta try and sleep sittin' up in the cab a' the trucks.

The brother and sister give each other a covert look when Daryl crawls in next ta' Michonne, but the pair don't question it- well, not out loud, at least. So apparently I'm not the only one who noticed Michonne and Daryl's behavior towards each other. It doesn't take a rocket scientist ta' figure out what's up between them, not when they're doin' stuff like this and flirtin' like they do. I think people would say somethin' about it if they all weren't so afraid a' pissin' Daryl and Michonne off. I think a' Caleb's face the other day when he thought Daryl was gonna jump him and I snort ta' myself in laughter.

Rick and I settle in by the low fire with frayin' quilts around our shoulders when the others get comfortable. We don't say anything, just lockin' eyes for an excrutiatin'ly long time 'til we hear Tyreese snorin' and Michonne murmurin' in her sleep. The sounds seem far away though, even though the trucks are five feet from us.

Wordlessly, Rick unfolds himself from the ground and comes around ta' sit closer to me. I smile at him as he plops down in the dry dust beside me. "Hi," he whispers me, smilin' like he knows somethin' I don't. Normally, I woulda' hated that, but I don't find myself mindin'.

I stare down at the frayed edge of the quilt clutched in my hand, notin' the blue-fading-ta'-gray color a' the blanket and the smudge a' dirt right by the seam. "Hi," I whisper back, tuckin' a little piece a' hair back into place. Rick smiles when I do that and it makes me blush. He's too damn good-lookin' by low firelight, I swear to God. "How ya' doin'?"

"Pretty good." Rick smiles this certain smile at me and readjusts his blanket around his shoulders. "How you been?"

"I've been good," I say. "Same old same old, ya' know? Get up in the mornin', eat, pick up Judith and go down ta' the infirmary, yell at Daryl fer not washin' his cuts and scrapes like he knows he should, play with Judith, give Carl girl advice..." I fade off as Rick starts chucklin', hand coverin' his mouth ta' keep himself quiet.

"Give Carl girl advice?" he asks, playful smile on his lips and a flirty edge to his voice. I nod and inch closer to him, careful not ta' be too obvious about it.

"Yeah," I say, gigglin' a little. "He's got a thing fer the Valance girl, the one with the auburn hair and freckles?" Rick nods, signalin' fer me ta' go on. "Oh yeah, he's got it bad for her. He's a stutterin' mess when he talks to her, but I think she finds it sweet. I've been spyin'," I say conspiratorially, bumpin' Rick's arm playfully. "It's cute. I think your boy's in love."

Rick smiles and laughs shortly. He looks younger when he smiles like this, not as burdened, which is nice. "I know. He talks about her all the time. I caught him starin' at her the other day, but then he called me out when I starin' at someone too, so I guess we're even." Rick laughs to himself again and I smile a little.

"Who were ya' starin' at?" I ask him, not at all sure if I could handle him sayin' another name other than mine. Rick rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"Who do ya' think?"

I scoff and looks away, pullin' my blanket tighter around me shyly as my face gets hot. "Flirt," I mutter half-heartedly. Rick laughs outright and scoots closer to me. I pretend not ta' notice, but my heart flutters. I could just tip a little ta' the right and lean my head on his shoulder, but I'm not gonna do that 'cause I don't know if he wants me too.

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