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the hamptons, new york...

"friends, colleagues, we are here today to celebrate the marriage of jake peralta and kenzie knox. i've known jake for the past three years and kenzie for the past two. and it has been a true pleasure to watch your distracting childish relationship, evolve into a distracting childish engagement, and into what I am sure will be a distracting, childish marriage. i'm proud of you. and i love you both." kenzie and jake smiled at raymond.

"permission to say it back?"


"love you too, captain." kenzie smiled.

"love you, captain."

"now, i understand you prepared your own vows?" raymond asked, looking between them both.

"yes. mackenzie knox, the first time we met you tackled me to the ground thinking i was the perp you were chasing because i was running from a wasp because i am deathly allergic." chuckles rang out, but jake's gaze was firmly on kenzie, who was standing in front of him, and their hands were clasped together. "you broke one of my ribs and bruised another. you offered to buy me a drink, and i said you owed me like six. since then, our lives have crossed over, from the day you transferred to the nine-nine to escape your bigoted co-workers, from the day you asked me on a date all those months before, to the day i asked you to marry me because i realized, i don't want to be with anyone but you. i love you. until the end of time." kenzie had tears running down his face, and jake was wiping them away.

"that was beautiful." kenzie murmured. "alright, here goes. jake peralta, the day we met i handcuffed you after body slamming you to the ground. when i realized you were a cop, i'd already broken two of your ribs so i took you to the er. when i was transferred to the nine-nine, we'd already been dating for a year and you were there for me when everyone else was wary of me that first week until they caught on that we were dating and i had earned their respect without them even knowing about my detective status, and you were there when my sister died, when my aunt got married you came with me, i went with you when your aunt and uncle got married, and when my dad came by you helped captain holt put him away for good. i love everything about you, your eyes, your smile, the way you don't want to get up even though you know you have to, especially your butt." jake laughed, eyes wet with tears. "and i have waited my whole life to meet you, and when i met you it was like love at first sight, and i realized you were it for me. the only person who was ever going to meet my own ridiculous standards because you blow them out of the water. i love you, jake peralta, until the end of time."

"do you, mackenzie knox, take jacob peralta, to be your lawfully wedded husband? to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do." kenzie smiled, sliding the ring onto jake's finger.

"and do you, jacob peralta, take mackenzie knox, to be your lawfully wedded husband? to have and to hold, in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do." jake slid the ring onto kenzie's finger.

"then by the power vested in me by the state of new york, I'd like to announce that your honeymoon vacation request status has officially been moved from pending to approved. You're married. You may kiss." they did, applause rippling around them as everything settled for jake and kenzie.

authors note

their wedding takes place right before holt and jake have to go to to florida at the end of season three

date written : 02 / 05 / 2021

date published : 13 / 05 / 2021

edited : yes

word count : 733

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