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"By the Argents," Peter asked and Stiles nodded. "And," Peter pressed. "I think he- he took Scott's phone," Stiles said. Winnie's heart dropped. She hated being the hostage again. "Why," Peter demanded. Winnie was able to focus on trying to be brave of Stiles and how to help Skyler and Lydia. It was the only thing keeping her from ending up like how she was the night in the school. "They all have gps now," Stiles explained, "So if he still has it and it's still on you can find it."

Peter stood, still holding Winnie. He demanded Stiles come with him and Stiles looked between the three girls. "I'm not just letting you leave them here," Stiles said looking to Lydia and Skyler. "Lydia will have Skyler when she awakes. Who will Winnie have," Peter said putting it into perspective. "Let him stay," Winnie spoke up. "What," both asked. "I've worked with computers and film my whole life. I can probably trace it faster than Stiles anyways," she proposed. "Winnie no," Stiles said. "Just let him stay with them and take me," Winnie said. "What!? Winnie no," Stiles interjected. "The lady's spoken," Peter said. Stiles sat helpless as Peter took her.

Winnie was keeping it together. She didn't understand how, but she knew she was. Stiles called Jackson. Jackson rushed over. "Holy shit," Jackson said terrified for their lives. "Get Lydia to a hospital," Stiles said. "What about Skyler," Jackson asked actually concerned. "She's a shape shifter," Stiles shouted at him furious. Jackson didn't understand what Stiles meant by it. "She heals too fucking fast," Stiles spat. He was going to take her where they took Derek. "GO," Stiles shouted. Jackson lifted his ex girlfriend and ran out carrying her. Stiles took Skyler and rushed to his Jeep. If he could help her heal faster he could get to Winnie and they could save her. He sped to the clinic and Sky groaned in the back seat. "Stiles," she asked. "I'm bringing you to the clinic, we need to get you to heal," he said trying not to fall into a panic attack. "What happened where's Lydia and Winnie," Sky asked. "Jackson's taking Lydia to the hospital. Peter left with Winnie to trace Scott's phone and find Derek. We need to heal you so we can go find her," he stressed.

Winnie sat in the camaro as Peter drove. "If Lydia lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be a great werewolf," he commented. Winnie closed her eyes trying to tune him out. "Yeah and once a month she'll try to kill us," Winnie quipped. "Well actually, since she's a woman. Twice a month," Peter said. "Skyler doesn't," she corrected looking to him. "Skyler is a... special case. Dragon's are complicated. She has no clue how to control it but the vague idea is enough for it to follow her orders. As time progresses though, she'll either learn more about it and become a force to be reckoned with or she'll lose control and the dragon will rule over the girl," Peter explained, "She doesn't play by the same rules." Winnie looked out the window.

He parked and pulled Winnie out. "Who's car is this," she asked. "It belonged to my nurse," he said. "What happened to your-," Winnie was cut off as the trunk opened and covered her mouth as she saw the corpse. She tried to calm down as her hands started to shake. A bag was stuffed into her chest. "I got better," Peter said closing the trunk. Winnie was silent as he opened the mac book and handed her the phone. She opened the program and entered the information on Scott's phone as she hooked it up to the phone he gave her. She programmed it to triangulate the location and entered Scott's number as she called. "His user name is Allison," Peter asked. She just stayed silent as he addressed her flawless log in. "His password was also Allison," Peter demanded. "I told him to try and switch it up a bit by putting their anniversary date, but why listen to the girl going for her CEH," Winnie commented. Peter was glad she had been silent until now, but she broke that streak, "If I do this I need you to leave Scott and Skyler out of this." "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs. It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down alone. I need Derek and Scott. I suppose I can leave Skyler though," he compromised.

Scott had gone to the clinic to hide and saw Stiles and Skyler. "What the hell happened," he demanded. Stiles explained everything and Scott recalled the thing Deaton used to help him heal faster and helped Stiles to finish patching Skyler up. Skyler stood and walked into the back to change into the spare clothes Scott kept in his bag there. "Thanks," she muttered walking out. He nodded. Scott filled them in on what happened with him. They all looked over as the dogs started to go nuts. "We need to get Winnie," Sky stressed. "This is probably dumb as shit, but I have an idea," Scott said. "Anything is better than sitting here at this point," Stiles spoke up. They got in the jeep and followed Scott's instructions. Sky watched as Stiles kept fidgeting. She knew having Winnie in danger tore him apart. She turned to see Scott climbing a rock before he howled. He was trying to call Derek. They knew Winnie would succeed so if they could meet her there they had a chance. They cheered as they heard him and took off.

Mirror Image: A teen Wolf FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora