Epilogue 1 Cont.

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"So you took her in. Why," Freddy asked curiously. "Honestly, there was just something in my gut telling me to do it. She literally saved my life. She went with the alpha that bit Sky and Scott so Stiles could get me to the hospital. She was my polar opposite but just as sharp you know? The thought of Beacon Hills without her just... wasn't right," Lydia replied with a shrug. "What about the rest of you and your lives," Freddy asked leaning against the table as he sat down. "That's why, even though I'd never admit it to those two idiot boys, we're a group. The small support from everyone is just enough as if you had the full support of one or half supports of two," Lydia said and looked to the cabinets. "Coffee," she offered. "I'm more of a tea person. You wouldn't happed to have black tea would you I can kind of use the caffeine," he noted. "I have Yunnan and Keemun," Lydia read off. "Uhh the Yunnan sounds great," Freddy replied. "And how do you take it," Lydia asked starting to reheat the water in her Keurig. "Just two sugars," he replied quietly. Lydia nodded and walked off.

Freddy looked to his phone texting his sister. No one had died. Lydia walked back in with a small box and he saw the first aid contents inside. "I'm fine," Fred insisted. "Shut up," Lydia said. "Or what. It's not like you can take me," Fred replied. "No but I do know kill you before you can even think to throw a punch. Funny how delicate the human body is in its perpetual search for homeostasis," Lydia noted eyeing the needle. "You are effectively terrifying for a five, four 16 year old," Fred noted. "I'm 17," Lydia corrected. "You're in Winnie's grade," Fred noted. "I acted out in elementary never did the work because I was bored. I was held back so they tested me. Turns out IQ certified geniuses don't exactly succeed in the public school system," Lydia said distastefully. "Winnie said you played dumb and dated beef head jocks," Fred noted. "That may be the kindest thing she's ever said about Jackson," Lydia noted to herself before explaining, "And it's far easier to manipulate the social ladder when all your competitors underestimate you. Gives them a false sense of security." She had started to clean up his forehead by now and the Keurig beeped.

Winnie trudged down confused. "Freddy," she asked. Lydia pulled out the hut water and made Freddy's cup of tea before pouring out some of the coffee. Winnie looked confused as she was handed the mug since neither of them drank coffee. "Stiles just left he said something about needing to look up make a way to make it up to you for... arguing," Lydia phrased as a question. Winnie groaned sitting in the seat Stiles had sat earlier. "That's funny," Fred noted. "You'd be surprised how often that happens," Lydia noted. Winnie wasn't paying attention as she typed out and apology and explanation that she wasn't made at Stiles. "You okay," Freddy asked. Winnie nodded, "I'm just letting him know I'm not mad at him. Just at the scenario as a whole." Lydia added the sugar and creamer to Winnie's coffee before sitting back down. "Thanks Lyd," Winnie replied. Lydia just nodded, "You're going to need it." Winnie looked at her confused.

"I came to tell you that George is okay, he's just in rehab," Fred started. "What? Rehab why," Winnie asked starting to panic. "Hey, breathe okay. Everything is fine. That kid Brent. I don't know when, but he started dealing heavy shit. I found out a few weeks ago when he invited you to the first get together thing. He owed Brent a lot. My cousin and his girlfriend shut down the party after I ripped George a new asshole for the shit he pulled with you and while a cleaning up he went super quiet. I found him in the bathroom with the needle still in his arm," Freddy explained Winnie stayed quiet and looked down at the coffee. "I-I didn't even-I," Winnie stammered and fell silent. "He's okay. He's just in rehab now," Fred consoled. Winnie nodded and remained silent. Lydia placed a hand on top of hers and Winnie just looked at it. "I'm fine," Winnie replied pulling her hand back. "Thank you for looking out for him," Winnie replied quietly. Lydia watched as she played with her Saint Christopher. She had noticed the decline of frequency in Winnie's praying. "I'm so sorry he tried to use you to settle his debt," Fred started and Winnie held her hand up to stop. "This already a lot," Winnie choked out. "Absolutely take as long as you need,"Lydia consoled.

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