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The imapala rolled up to the front of the church and Cesar was quick to get out after saying "bye" to Oscar and once Tatiana got out and moved the seat. 

Oscar was expecting for Tatiana to follow after him, but instead, she sat back down in the passenger's seat.  "I need to talk to you about something."  She told him.  Oscar nodded and prepared himself to be yelled at for letting Cesar kill someone.  "I'm sorry.  I was really petty the day I ended things between us and... I want to give us another shot."

"Seriously?  You did nothing wrong, Tati.  You wanted us to be official again like we were before I got arrssted, but instead I attacked you for being younger because I was a dumbass."  Oscar explained, the car no longer running so he could hear what she was saying.  "Sorry I called you all of that."

Tatiana shrugged since she forgave him the day the whole mess with Nate started.  "So I w-"

"Quieres ser mi novia?"  Oscar blurted out.  Tatiana looked at him with raised brows and a small smile creeping onto her face as she nodded.

"Took you long enough."  Tatiana said, mocking the words he used when she walked out of the house earlier.  Without another word, Oscar pulled her forward and planted his lips against hers.  

From outside the car, it probably looked bad because they were right in front of a church and Tatiana somehow ended up in his lap, but that was the last thing on their minds.

It's been months since they've done anything other than hug, so the kiss was hungry, yet passionate.  While Tatiana's hands stayed on the back of his neck and at the bottom of his abdomen, his hands roamed around from the back of her head to the curve of her ass. 

While they continued with their makeout/dryhumping session, Cesar helped his friends pass out pamphlets.  "I thought Tati was coming?  Aiyana is already here with their friends."  Ruby asked.

"Oh, she's here."

Monse and Ruby shook their heads, not even making eye contact with the people they were handing pamphlets to.  "We didn't see her."

"She's right there."  Cesar told them, pointing to the red impala barely 100 feet away.  Monse and Ruby bent down a little and once they saw through the window, they straightened up and looked away from the new couple. 

"Really?  Right in front of the church?"

"Compa, at least they still have their clothes on."

Back in the car, Tatiana pulled away panting, but not even a second later, Oscar was pulling her face back to his.  Again, Tatiana pulled away, this time with a giggle. 

Oscar still had a firm grip on her ass, intentionally pulling her against him while she tried catching her breath.  "I missed you, mamas."  He whispered, leaning in again to gently peck her lips.  Now that they were together, he couldn't seem to get enough of them.

"I missed you too, papi."  Tatiana smiled, her thumb stroking against his cheek.  Thank god for expensive, non-smearing lipstick.  "But I have to go to the ceremony."

Oscar pulled his forehead away from hers and turned to the church.  "Huh, I forgot about that." 

Tatiana giggled again and kissed him once last time before getting off of his lap.  Before she got out of the car, she looked back at him.  "If you want to come to the party later, you can."

"Maybe."  He told her, but it was better than a "no".  The senior nodded her head and leaned over one last time, then finally, she got out and started walking up the steps to the church.

"Luis told you that dress would have people sinning."  Cesar teased as she walked pass them.  Tatiana simply rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and went to find her friends.  

× × ×

After a few hours, the ceremony was over and people were starting to walk out of the church and head over to the Martinez house.

"So Tati, I hear you met your rich daddy.  You think he can be my sugar daddy until I finish college?"  Sergio asked as the two walked with the rest of the group to the parking lot.

"Oh yeah!  I saw that car rolling down the street and I thought it was some lost celebrity.  Shit, I'll call him daddy too if he wants to give me some money." 

Tatiana rolled her eyes with a disgusted look on her face as her friends laughed at their jokes.  "You're all a bunch of pendejos."

"We're just kidding, Tati.  Kinda."  Sergio told her, throwing his arms around her neck from behind.  "Don't think we didn't see you and tu vato making out in front of Jesus.  All horny and shit."  He teased, Tati automatically feeling her cheeks heat up which only caused her friends to laugh some more.

After more jokes of Tatiana's dad being their new sugar daddy, the crew broke off and went to their separate cars. 

Tatiana sat in the passenger's seat of Aiyana's car with three of her other friends in the backseat.  "Since you and Oscar were making babies earlier, does that mean he finally asked you to be his girlfriend?"  Aiyana asked her best friend.  Tatiana, with a huge grin on her face, nodded her head.  Aiyana and Sergio squealed and cheered for their friend.

At this point in her life, Tatiana was content and felt like she had everything together, because she did.

Short lil chapter :)

I lowkey want to make another OMB story about another character but idk who it should be about.

I'm pretty sure you all know this, but I love seeing your comments.  It makes me happy that people are actually enjoying what I write 💞💞

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