Chapter 4 Ribaldis'

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Daniel stepped into the lift impatient for its climb up the shaft. He hadn't realised how far underground they'd gone when they'd come in all those hours ago. He glanced at Jake who stood with his hands shoved into the pockets of his worn leather jacket. The young man looked older than he remembered. Of course, he would  -- be there was nearly a five-year time difference between this universe and the Doctor. He noticed the scar over Jake's eye and wondered how it happened. Without warning, the faintest hint of a timeline, like an after image, formed in his head, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut. This wasn't supposed to be possible, but there it was. Jake's timeline. He sniffed hard and pushed the image away. He'd never tell Rose, but he honestly wasn't ready for any Time Lord skill, especially without a functional TARDIS for support. He was having trouble enough with his own life

When the doors slid open to the parking structure, Daniel grimaced then willed himself to ignore the odour left from the mixture hydrocarbons assaulted. He smiled when Jake flashed a look of concern. The young agent pointed to a beat up, black lorry parked in the centre of the garage and started walking. Well, more marched with great pride toward the vehicle. One eyebrow lifted in curiosity as he looked first at Jake and then at the vehicle. Somehow the truck wasn't what he had expected.

"Oi! Don't dis my baby. She might look rough, but she can outrun any copper around," Jake said.

"Right," Daniel drawled as he climbed inside.

Despite the exterior, Jake kept the dark green interior of the 4x4 lorry pristine. A variety of button, including the keyless start button, adorned the steering column. Jake glanced at him, a broad grin on his face, "Listen to this baby sing," he said, pushing the button. The engine roared to life gaining an appreciative grin from Daniel. A small computer screen unfolded from the dashboard. Jake tapped the screen immediately getting the radio. The sound of some boy band filled the interior. Daniel grinned and tapped an icon with red parenthesis surrounding a car seat. Within seconds, warmth radiated under his bum.

"Jake, you should be proud. This -- is nice," he said, settling back for the ride. Wonder why he never added a seat warming button, Daniel thought. All the time he spent tinkering, and the man never thought of warm button for the jump seat.

No longer in agony, Daniel found this night-time trip fun. Jake sped through the night, his fingers keeping a steady drum beat against the steering wheel while blaring an obnoxious boy band from the radio. In between bad songs he plied Daniel with dirty jokes that had him laughing to the point of tears. He hated to admit that enough of Donna's memories remained that he actually understood a few. The Doctor would have rolled his eyes in disgust. The fun briefly ended when a boy band began blaring You're insecure, Don't know what you're turning heads for when you walk through the do-o-or. In self-defence, Daniel sang You've got a thing about you I just can't live without you. I really want you, Elenore, near me, Your looks intoxicate me. Even though your folks hate me. There's no one like you, Elenore, really, as loud as possible. They both broke out laughing when another car pulled next to them at a light. Not caring that the car windows were down the two sang louder in off-key voices competing to drown out the radio.

"What was that," Jake said laughing.

"The Turtles," Daniel answered.

"Right," Jake answered shaking his head.

Not sure what to say, Jake drummed his fingers, Daniel turned his attention to the clear night sky. A waxing gibbous moon high in a clear night sky filled with stars replaced the previous night's fog Daniel glanced up, dreaming of the day the infant TARDIS would take her first voyage. He needed to build her a proper crèche. If, and that was a big if, he found a spot with enough artron energy leaking through to this planet, it would still take at least three years before he and Rose could board the little ship to travel again. The thought gutted him, forcing him to look at something else, and that meant Jake. The young man he remembered was gone replaced by this older one. Of course, he would be. This universe was slightly out of synch with his -- the other. He had to remember that this was his universe now.

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