Chapter 9 Secrets

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Daniel stripped off his jumper, brought it to his face and sniffed the remains Rose's perfume clinging to the fibres. The scent fired his imagination, making him wish they'd ended the night on a far different note. He sighed and finished stripping for a shower. The powerful spray of hot water hit like tiny needles, stinging his skin. Steam filled the bathroom. Normally, the intense effect washed the tension out his aching muscles, but tonight the evening's events still echoed.

Daniel turned under the water, letting his mind wander to places that he'd fought against since their fight. Provocative images of Rose turning toward him, holding her hand out, enticing him closer played inside his head like a film. He could feel the weight of her against his body as she trailed a line of kisses down his throat and across his chest. His heart pounded in anticipation. He could not resist the fiery stir as she made her way first down and then back up his chest. His mouth pressed against hers, tasting her essence as they explored each other's mouths. His breath came in ragged gasps. He turned and placed his hands on the marble tile just letting the water beat against his back. Droplets streamed off his hair and closed eyelids.

The images in his head felt so real, from the way her body sank underneath him as he pushed her down on the bed, to the silky fire of her skin against his lips. In response to her delighted cries urging him to explore the intricacies of her body, his fingers traced a path his mouth would soon follow. His skin tingled, twitching as he imagined her nails lightly scrape his chest toward his belly that now burned with desire. It was intoxicating. He should be ashamed, but his fantasy consumed him. His hand descended though it was the soft warmth of Rose that he experienced with each gentle stroke. His body bucked against his hand. A brilliant spark flashed across his brain, crashing him into oblivion.

"Who the bloody hell are you and what the hell do you mean comin' to my house at this hour of the night?" Jackie stood on the staircase steps, clutching a dressing gown around her.

"Detective Inspector Donald Noble, ma'am. I really need to speak to Mr Tyler."

"Well, since I am the only one here, you will deal with me, mate. The guard said you were investigating fraud. What fraud? What are you talkin' about?"

"Ma'am, I should come back," Don said as he backed toward the door. "I, um. Sorry, this is best explained to your husband."

"You come to my house, talking about a fraud involving my daughter, and then think you can just go swannin' off? I don't think so, mate." Jackie started down the staircase.

"Mrs Tyler." The frustrated maid called from the entrance way.

"Now what?" Jackie snapped, "Since when do people think it's a good idea to disturb my household when others are sleepin'. There will be hell to pay if little Tony wakes up. Who is it?" Jackie stormed down to the landing.

"It's Mr Simmons. He said the lights are out at the guest house, and he --" she stopped when she saw the expression on Jackie's face.

Don rolled his eyes in frustration. This was not how he'd planned this at all. He should have listened to Nigel. The angry woman pushed past on her way to the foyer to intercept Jake. His opened and rapidly shut his mouth when he saw Daniel's blonde-headed friend from the club walk in clutching the small black bag that Daniel had kept by his side all evening.

"Jake, what the hell is going on? First, Pete and Rose leave. That I'm used to, but now this bloke shows up ranting about fraud."

" Sorry, Mrs Tyler, Adela called to tell me I should bring ...." Jack said coming through the door. "What bloke?" He stopped when Don turned slowly to face him. "Bloody hell?"

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