Magpie or Frogmouth

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Frogmouth or Magpie

Frogmouth's soft, sonic beacon persisted
into pre-dawn, through light's rightful chorus,
redefining night as paling margins
where twin swanee-pipes of magpies chanter.

Bruce Montague, Sheila Capulet, both right,
pretending to contend China with Indonesia
over an island of moment: Day? Night?
With eyes tight shut we hear the both o' them.

Jewel of dream in a waking ocean,
foghorn mooting yet
                          though wind-blown gray spray
flounces curt fussing of rocky girdle.

Call on, deep metronome of comfort:
an hour too early for nine-to-fivers
quicksilvers kisses of parting lovers.


If you are waiting for 'Phoenix Trees Part Two', it is arriving tomorrow,
meanwhile this unrhymed sonnet of happenstance happened, Shakespeare up and about earlier than I.

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