By the Thomson River

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Strolling by the Thomson river,
I heard a blackbird sing
in the cool of the after-rain...

But I must leave this spring

and climb aboard a jet plane,
nose set for winter's reign,
through swirling leaves of autumn
to see my sprogs again.

Strolling by the Thomson river,
I saw a fairy wren
flipped up tail and beaded eye...

But I must be leaving,

heaved aboard a jet plane,
nose fixed on winter's reign,
zooming above these gum trees,
to see my sprogs again.

Strolling by the Thomson river
I saw an old magpie
as bold a bird as any met
that ever held an eye

So I leant down and whistled
a  tune he ought to know...

You'll have to sing it for me,
for I have to go,

hauled aboard a jet plane
nose locked on winter's town.
Now dry your eyes, my sweeting;
let go your frown.


That's all from 'A Fiercer Light' ... for now.

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