Little-Lake Illusions

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Some moments simply float
despite their gravity:

standing on a wooden bridge
in the Fauna and Flora park,
watching pelicans sleeping,

bulky body, carry-all bill
poised on one spindly
leg affixed to gritty spit

and huddled egrets too -
but stilted and ruffled in shallows,

while ibis, little Thoth-ites,
jab and furrow submerged mud
between reed clumps.

We divine in our minds
spread of wiry feet, horny
beak-tips fingerling flee
and sludge worms squirm at.

Two ducks swim heads down
tandem, filtering green water -
For what? we wonder aloud -
                  two humps of a water monster.

Then, a breeze dinting, frosting -
Lake Guyat -
                         expanse of speeding wavelets.

A little vertigo, and off we giddy go,
clutching the boat's rail,
isolate in eternity.


It really has twin titles called Sale Fauna Park and Sale Botanical Park,  to indicate different areas within the precincts but the fauna go anywhere / everywhere  so I amalgamated the title.

We are still on the bridge but it feels like a boat moving, because of the relative motion of the wavelets.

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