Chapter 12

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Hoseok P.O.V.
WAIT WHAT?! I think while watching Ae-ri jump into another girl's arms.
Both of them are smiling like crazy, and the keep hugging each other for a solid minute.
Then Ae-ri turns to me.
"Dad, this is Chang-min my girlfriend, and Taehyung's daughter."
"Hi! You look sooooooooo young woaasshhh"

"Well nice to meet you, you sure are like your father.........considering your reaction."

"She's actually not like him at all, just at like, random times. She''s more of her mother."

"Wait wait wait wait wait.. Did you just say girlfriend?"
"You're gay?"
"We all are." Chang-min says as she shrugs.
"What do you mean-"
"Okay look" Ae-ri cuts me off." We should go home as quick as possible it's not safe to talk about these things in public. I mean stuff with future, not sexuality."
I nod and text the others.
Not waiting for their answers, we head to the car. After a couple of minutes, all of the turn up, and get in car with us.

Everyone is looking at Chang-min, studying her.
"Why are you all looking at me? What am I? A painting, jesus christ."
"They're just surprised. We're at the time where Vanechka didn't turn their lives upside down every other day."
"Ohhhhhh makes sense then." She turns to Taehyung. "Oh wow there's dad. Now I see what they mean, when they say Yoonseok looks just like him. I wasn't sure if my brother was here, or my young dad for a second."

"I know it's crazy, they literally look exactly the same."

"And now I know what Hobi hyung feels....woah this is so weird." Taehyung says."So you really are my child?"
"Well yeah. One of the hundreds." Chang-min says, making Ae-ri burst out laughing.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask.
"We always joke about this, but dad you have 7 kids." Chang-nim answers.
Our eyes go so wide, I'm surprised they didn't pop out of our eyesockets.

"How many now?!"Namjoon particulary yells.
"Seven.....I have aix wonderrrful siblings. Five brothers and a sister." Taehyungs mouth is hanging wide open.
"7?! How the HELL do I take care of seven children?! How do I have so many?!"
"I ask you the same question when the twins are bothering me aswell." Chang-min states not so amused.
"Twins? I have twins?"
"Yeah two boys, they're 10, just like Seokjin's."
"Oh yeah Seokjin also has twins, but he has a boy and a girl." Ae-ri adds.
Seokjin looks blank while he's processing this information.

"Wow were really productive with your wife." Yoongi says, and everyone starts laughing their asses off.

The car ride is silent after that. When we got home we got in our little meeting position in the living room.
"So...... What's up?"

Our kids?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora