Chaptet 36

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Author's P.O.V.
The fan meeting was finally over. The boys headed to the room, where they told their kids to meet them, when the event ended.

They were all anxious to see if they were successful. And if they were, who did they find? All of the boys were sweating. Hoseok opened the door cautiously.

They went in, one by one and closed the door, so that nobody knew what was going on in there.

The boys looked around to see all of the kids there, except for Chang-nim, which was weird, and two new faces. A cute looking girl, with long, dark hair and bangs, with a way taller boy standing right next to her. They looked alike, they were definately siblings.

"So how did you guys find?" Seokjin asks.

"This is Yuna and Byeol, Namjoon's kids."

The Yuna shyly walked up to her dad and greeted him, by hugging him.

"Sorry, I know I'm just a stranger to you, but I need this. I've been crazy stressed out." She says, while hugging him tightly.

Namjoon sympathetically smiles, and hugs her back. "It's okay, I understand."

Hoseok interrupts the lovely family moment. "Wait. You only said Yuna would be here- by here I mean in our time- but he's also here."He points to Byeol. "Not like I have anything against you, but does that mean that there might just be way more people here than we thought? Cause then we have some problembs."

"I don't think so."Ae-ri says." The thing that took us here, didn't take random people. It took people that were close to it. I don't know how much distance it covered, but the people who were around the house are here. Byeol actually arrived at the house to pick up Yuna, when it happened. So we don't have to worry about that. Supposedly."

"Good."Namjoon says, now with Yuna standing next to him.

"Where's Chang-nim?" Taehyung asks in a worried tone.

"We.....actually don't know. We thought you knew where she was..."Ae-ri awkwardly scratches her head.

Taehyung immediately went into dad mode. "Those anyone have an idea about where she could be? We have to find her. Where could she have gone? I-"

"I know you're worried, but calm down. Chang-nim can take care of herself. She probably left for a good reason. Let's go back to our house, and she'll probably go there aswell." Hoseok tried to calm him down.

After Taehyung took a couple of deep breaths, they headed home.

*time skip*

Yoongi POV

When we arrived at home, the sun had already started to go down. We had to take two cars back, as there were now too many people to fit in one car. The kids went in one, and we in another.

We were worried about Chamg-nim, so we were happy to see a siluette in front of our house. But our relief left as fast as it came, when we saw an unknown person next to her. At least, until we got a bit closer and Hwan screamed in delight.

"HYUNG!HYUNG! HYUNG! HYUNGIEEEEEEEEEE"! He screamed while sprinting towards the person, who also started running towards him.

Hwan jumped in the arms of the boy, who caught him and hugged him tightly.

"Hwany, I was sick worried, I'm so happy you're okay!" the yet unknown male says. He hold Hwan close to himself. When we got closer I realised that he has to be my older son: he looked exactly like me! Even more than Hwan, so we were basically twins.

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