Chapter 39

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Namjoon P.O.V.
I woke up to my daughter's horrified screaming, as she was cluthcing onto my arm in fear. I was instantly awake, hiding her in my arms, while Byeol woke up and came over to comfort Yun-a aswell.

"They're going to kill us, Hwan was right! They're here, they came for us!" she shouted, pointing out the window.

We both looked over, only to see multiple people climbing in with guns aimed at us. The last thing I remember is stepping in front of my children in protection.

Taehyung P.O.V.
Chang-nim woke me up by pulling me under the bed. When I managed to wake myself enough to understand what's happening, I was comfused.

"Why-" but she cut me off with a rather aggressive "SHHHHH!"

"The people who we were talking about are real, and they're here." she said in a barely audible whisper."Be quiet, do as I say, and we'll might escape."

"What about the others?" i look at her in disbelief.

"Dad look, the more people can escape, the better. If only the two of us get out, we're still good, because we'll be able to do something. Let's go now! Come!" she grabbed my hand, and we went for the bathroom. We climbed out the window there, as quick as we could, as there were people all around us. They spotted us right before we could get away.

They harshly pulled me away from my daughter, no matter how hard I try to keep her hand in mine. I desperately tried to get to her but it was no use. After they handcuffed me I was thrown in a car. I looked around to see Hoseok hyung, Ae-ri and Kwang next me, handcuffed aswell. They threw Chang-nim in, and the car started.

Jimin P.O.V.
I was woken up by screams, my heart beating faster then ever. Hui woke up at the same time as me, just as confused. Before either of us could speak, someone kicked in the door and I felt something hit my head hard.

Jungkook P.O.V.
The moment I heard Yun-a scream I was fully awake, dragging Hwan and Yoongi with myself out the door. I still wasn't quick enough, as I saw people breaking down Jimin's door, while armed strangers were flooding into our home.

I understood at once what I had to do. I looked into Yoongi's eyes, then looked down at Hwan, who was fiercely holding onto us. He nodded in agreement and we ran for the kitchen, hiding Hwan between us.

They obviously noticed us, probably because we were running full speed towards them. Despite his protests, we pushed him into the pantry. I know he didn't want to leave us to be captured, but if he could get away, he could help us. Maybe even find Vanechka. He finally understood my plan, as he stopped trying to break out.

They captured both of us, and we pretended to fight, but secretly prayed that Hwan will be okay.

Kwang P.O.V.
We tried to climb out of the window, but there were too many of them outside. We had no choice but to go for the door. We quickly slipped out and started to tip toe the other way, in hope of finding a hiding place. But when I looked back, I saw Yun-a crawling on the floor.

I had to think fast I grabbed her up and dragged her with us, while she was trying to swallow her cries. I bumped into Ryung, realising he was walking the opposite way of where we're headed to.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm not going anywhere without knowing my brother is alright. I'm sorry. You go, and if I can I'll go after you, if I find Hwan."

"No f-" Yun-a winced."I'm not leaving you here."

"Then come with me." he had tears in his eyes.

I turned to Yun-a right away. "Hide, and run. Go find help, you know what to do. I know you can do it. I believe in you." I kissed her cheek, then grabbed Ryung's hand and ran the other way.

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