Chapter 4

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Dylan's POV

"Her scent is gone!" I exclaim.

"Wait what!" Zack exclaims.

"She's gone?" James asks.

"Don't know. I'll check her room. Zack you're in charge of troops seeing as you're the gamma. Increase patrols. Either she has escaped or she has been kidnapped. Make sure it is clear that they are not to use force on her so they must capture her and bring her to me. If anyone hurts her it will be returned to them tenfold. Make that clear. She is to be returned straight to me." I say and leave.

I unlock the door to find her gone and the cupboard open.

I go to the bathroom to find the door locked and I break it down to find a rope make of clothes.

I growl in frustration and go back down.

"She's definitely escaped. James get the maids to prepare a new room for her and place locks on the windows. She's smarter than she looks." I say clenching my fists.

"Cunning one?" He asks.

"Tell me about it. She escaped with a rope made from clothes. After you've gotten the orders for her room to be made ready do a background check." I say.

"Alpha what's her name?" He asks.

"I'll find out soon." I growl lowly.

Sasha's POV

I slide under the logs and stuff trying to make a difficult path to follow.

I find a tree and climb it and move swiftly along the branches of the tree to make sure they can't follow my footsteps as well if they even realise I'm gone but I doubt they will. That night I was likely hallucinating or it was a dream that they were so fast. The darkness must have added some weird stuff to my vision.

I grab a vine and swing across to another tree, however I miss it.

I grab another vine and pull myself up onto the top branch and follow it and climb higher and further along.

I eventually get to the top of the trees an realise all I can see is forest. I'm now extremely lost.

I go down a bit and keep on going till my energy exhausts and I curl up on a branch.

Dylan's POV

"Has anyone found her yet?" I ask.

"No there's hardly any scent. She's moving too fast. We need her scent to track." Zack says.

"I think I saw her pyjamas in her room. Those should work." I say.

I run up to her room and grab her pyjamas.

"Here this should work." I say.

"Yeah got her scent on it but she's quite far away it seems." He says.

"She isn't fast." I say.

"Seems to be. Maybe it was adrenaline." James says.

Sasha's POV

The branches grow thin and the trees get harder to climb and I find myself balancing to stay up.

I walk slowly scared of falling.

I hear a loud howl followed by others which are nearing and in my fright I lose my caution and I make a wrong step and the branch breaks and I fall to the forest floor.

"Ow." I whine in pain as the rocks forve against me with sharper ones cutting me.

I get to my feet accustomed to moving when in pain and I continue running although with my energy decreasing steadily it becomes more of a challenge.

I trip over a bunch of rocks and tumble down a hill.

I look myself over and see numerous cuts and I see a stream and right now I sip some of it regaining some energy and I continue running.

I weave through trees and jump over rocks.

I hear more howls getting closer and I realise the wolves must be attracted by my blood and I scramble up a tree, grabbing a branch and swinging myself up, this escape was so much easier than it would be if I hadn't done acrobatics when I was little. I did it for only a few years but it still helps quite a bit.

I get a bit further before the branch ends and I fall off it and land on my stomach.

I hear snarling and I turn my head to see a wolf growling and it howls loudly and I scramble to my feet and run for my life. I reach a lake and dive in hoping the water will slow the wolf.

I get to a cliff and I climb it slipping quite a bit but still managing to get up and away from the wolf.

I hear growling from above me and see wolves there too and I see a tree near me and I turn and let go of the stone and push off managing to grab the tree branch and I run along the branches my feet slipping quite a bit till I fall off the branch and land on some soft grass.

I try get up but struggle as my body is too low on energy and it is losing blood.

I continue to try push myself up.

I hear more howling getting closer and I manage to push myself to my feet and I continue to run in pain my fear fuelling me with energy to keep me going in this life or death situation.

I reach a tree and begin to climb it when a wolf's teeth grab my top and pull.

"Hey!" I scream and I kick the wolf in the nose and it lets go whimpering.

Sorry wolf but I care about my life more than I do about animal cruelty when the animal is about to kill me.

I continue climbing the tree and find a vine and grab it and swing across

I feel myself stop in mid air and I see a wolf's jaws on the vine and more wolves join it pulling at the vine like a tug of war with the tree the vine is attached to.

They succeed much to my disappointment and I fall down with the rope on me and wolves encircle me surrounding their prey while I struggle to get up only to find my body too weak. Tears fall from my eyes.

A wolf's canines sink into the back of my top and I am pulled to a rock where they tie me up in the vine some how which I can't see since my head is hanging weakly off the rock.

I feel my body hoistered up and I see I'm in someone's shoulders and there are men instead of wolves, they must use wolves as trackers.

"LET ME GO!!" I scream thrashing around however they don't respond and I begin to sob, hating the idea of being a prisoner or something in that house even if I'm sometimes beat up at home as punishment at least I can leave the house a bit and I have school to go to and I have some freedom.

These people don't even pay attention to my crying I expected to tell me to shut up or something but they keep silent strangely.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang