Chapter 39

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"Don't you have work to do? I don't know like Beta duties?" I ask lying on the bed reading as James insists on doing something, anything for that matter, it makes me wonder how desperate and bored he is.

"Nope I finished it all. I want to get to know my Luna and best friend's mate," he says giving me a pair of adorable puppy eyes which belonged on a puppy.

"Fine. I've got nothing better to do," I say unable to give a reason not to have him entertain me from my boredom.

"Great. So what do you want to do? Paint? Knit...? Well I don't know how to do that but I can learn anyway. Or we can-" he says a little too enthusiastically.

"How about you train me to fight?" I ask with a sweet and innocent smile, hoping it will help convince him.

"Huh?! Dylan already said awhile back to us that that was not happening. You could get hurt and you're not strong necessa- Not saying that's a bad thing it's just he wants to defend you and protect you himself like all of us do. You're our Luna so it's our duty to protect you, not send you out to fight with us," he says.

"I just want to defend myself. How many times have I been kidnapped in the past a little over a month, at least three times! I mean I understand I can't fight off one of you, but I just want to be able to buy myself a little more time if necessary. Just the basics... please," I ask giving him the puppy eyes.

"Look your cuteness is not going to change anything with me. I understand where you're coming from... however I can't allow you to train at all when he said no. You'll have to use those puppy eyes on your mate if you want to do any training and even then he will probably train you himself," he says.

"But he probably won't let me train. He's possessive at times. He wanted to put a tracking serum in me once!"

"Is it bad that I kind of actually suggested that idea to him after you first ran away? I mean our females are usually tracked just for safety purposes," he says.

I feel my anger rising.

"You wanted him to track me like some microchipped dog?! How dare you?! He pinned me to a bed and tried to force a needle in me you imbecile!" I shout pounding my fists against his chest even if it doesn't actually hurt him and hurts me a bit.

"Sasha are you okay?!" Dylan exclaims forcing the door open.

"I'm angry. He suggested to you to track me and won't train me!"

"Why do you even want to train? Sasha I can protect you," Dylan says sadly.

"It is just that I've been kidnapped quite a few times and I'd rather have a chance at getting away as opposed to being stuck and kept hostage and acting like a damsel in distress which I don't need to be," I say nervously twiddling my fingers.

"Sasha you're not a damsel in distress but I don't want to risk you getting any more injuries such as you would get through training and females don't train to begin with," he tells me.

"I just want the basics. A little self defence please Dylan," I say softly.

"But I want to protect you Sasha. I am the Alpha, I'm supposed to protect you," he defends his side.

"But I'm still capable. After everything I'm still alive so that proves I'm capable of doing things. Please just teach me a little. James please back me up," I ask.

"I'm sorry but it is sort of our culture for the men to fight and protect," James says.

"I only want to be able to defend myself if necessary.


This book has actually passed 170k reads and 4k votes and we're nearly at chapter 40.
I know my updates have not been as frequent lately but writer's block is still being a huge menace at times so I'm sorry about that.
I hope you enjoyed the update.
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