Chapter 51

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Suddenly I am pinned down to the ground by his heavy weight and I groan in pain.

The ground feels hard and I think I may have eaten some grass. Dylan feels very heavy, he is making me feel like a pancake and just because his arms are around me does not make him any lighter- in fact it did nothing but shield me from some of the impact, I'm lucky I did not break anything. Is this some sort of plan B for if I would not stay up in the tree?

I hear a low and dangerous growl that does not come from Dylan, seeing as I would probably feel his chest vibrating against my back if he was the one growling.

I turn my head slightly to see a shifted large grey wolf snarling at us and I swallow hard realising that if Dylan had not pounced on me, well I might be dead already and I realise now why he wants me in the tree. Maybe it is safer but it's too late to turn back now I guess.

"Darren, you have three seconds to get far far away from my little Sasha or I will rip you to pieces," he growls and I don't think I have ever seen him being so dangerous before and that is saying something, I mean he went through a very brief anger issues stage, he has attacked rogues and he has fought against other wolves to protect me.

I feel slightly intimidated by him right now with how threatening he is. I can recognize the wolf to a degree and I remember hearing the name Darren- wait that is the wolf that attacked me in the forest. It's no wonder Dylan is being so possessive although he would be like this regardless of whatever wolf attacked me.



Suddenly Darren runs at Dylan snarling and Dylan shifts to meet him head on. Darren however swiftly redirects his path towards me at the last second and I reach for my belt and grab a knife and pull it out.

He pounces at me as I pull it out to protect me and his chest goes into the side of the blade and he lifts his head and howls in pain.

He is dragged off of me by Dylan's canines that bite down and throw him to the side.

Dylan glances at my left arm which has a deep scratch from Darren's claws and he leans in and gives my scratch a small lick.

"Dylan it's just a litttle scratch. You have a fight, focus on that," I mutter and he turns around to see Darren running back for a round two.

I watch the fight, sitting back up and readying my bow and arrow in case anything happens to Dylan because there is no way I'm letting anything happen to him now that I have him back even if he can be annoying every now and then.

I can see the two vicious male alpha wolves going at each other without any hesitation and I can't help but wonder if it is even worth it for Darren to be fighting. I don't know of any motives he has and he seems more intent of just making Dylan suffer and probably taking over our pack and is that worth the loss of life?

I watch horrified as Darren's claws scrape deep against Dylan's back making him howl out in pain and I get to my feet and prepare to shoot an arrow.

Dylan turns his head to me and growls lowly, telling me to stay out of the fight and I hesitate before lowering my arrow.

As bad as Dylan is looking, Darren is even worse off. Dylan is fierce and is winning whilst Darren can only claw him in attempts to hurt him and weaken him.

Darren shoves Dylan off him and snarls before running at me as fast as possible, outrunning Dylan, despite his injuries.

It's obvious that he plans to try hurt me again to get back at Dylan and I ready my bow and arrow to shoot him. I begin shooting arrows but at a closer distance, he narrowly dodges me and I take steps back as he gets closer. Now I wish I was in a nearby tree to shoot from.

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