Chapter 60 - Moving Forward

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Judge Cui and Judge Tang almost fell over when they heard that they were happily munching on animal feed for half of the day and were still stunned that the animals were eating such delicious food.

At the dining hall, I was mostly in my own head talking to the system as the system revealed one of its features...


[Congratulations host! The wishes of Ku De Hua and Ku De Ren has been fulfilled and you have obtained nothing!]


[Since the host has not contributed to the fulfilling of wishes twice, I have to warn the host that if he fails to assist with the fulfilment of another person's wish one more time, I will start cursing the host daily, when he wakes up. Just like how he used to curse God.]

(What?!) I ask in disbelief.


[Since the host has not contributed to the fulfilling of wishes twice, I have to warn the host that if he fails to assist with the fulfilment of another person's wish one more time, I will start cursing the host daily, when he wakes up. Just like how he used to curse God.]

(No, I did not ask you to repeat yourself. Why do you have to scold me every day if I fail to grant another person's wish?! Aren't you sent here by God to help me?!)

[Yes. I am sent here by God to help you survive and you are sent here to repeat and you are sent to this world to do what you expected God to do. Please work harder to be the ideal God you wanted God to be!]


At night, at the Ku Family estate, an old woman and an old man are happily talking over a baby's crib. The man is Old Ku and the woman is Ku Si Le's mother.

"How was the trial today?" She asks as he looks at the baby lovingly.

Old Ku looks at her and says softly, "It was fine. I thought the judges would have been a problem at first, but they did not interfere at all and their presence helped put Ling Zi Xiang in place."

His tone becomes a little more serious as he says "Your people should not have burned the ministry. It will become troublesome when the investigators from the capital arrive."

"Don't worry. They won't be able to find any evidence. They don't even know if the bodies belong to the slut right now and they can only draw conclusions from the fact that she's missing. Besides, burning everything in a big fire is the best way to destroy evidence." The old woman says confidently.

Old Ku makes a wry smile and says "I guess the ancients were right when they said that women are vengeful is foolish of Ling Zi Xiang to forget that Ku Si Le has parents as well."


A few uneventful weeks went by and our life in Yao Feng town was boring. We eventually stopped walking around and only Zhuge Pang ran around all the big and small eateries to try them out.

While the town was quiet, it was clear that a never ending feud between the Ling and Ku families was created in the courtroom that day, and only one family will stay remain in Yao Feng town once it is resolved. Who will win in the end, however, has nothing to do with us right now.

A few days after the trial, the Ku brothers disappeared. Old Ku probably sent them away as he understood that once the investigators from the capital arrive, the Ku brothers would be in for another round of beatings as the investigators are more objective and vicious once they start work.

Right now, we are already setting off for our next destination and Magistrate Dong and his steward are seeing us off at the town gate. We seem to have created a fad right now, and whenever someone goes to the yamen to make a complaint, everyone will quickly run to the street hawkers to buy a bunch of snacks and watch the trial.

Eventually, the hawkers themselves moved their stalls nearer to the yamen, and people bought stools along with them to sit and watch from outside, as the constables would start chasing them away with their staff if they entered the courtroom. Magistrate Dong is annoyed with this but he can't chase them away as the empire has always allowed the public to watch the magistrate trials.

As we proceed with our riding circuit, we already know that Pei She village is ruined, so we directly head towards Wei Gou city, which is a city that beast tamers founded. While ordinary people are not aware of cultivation, they are aware of martial arts and somehow, the skills of a beast tamer became a martial art and spread throughout the empire.

The difference between the techniques of cultivators and martial arts is that martial arts do not involve any manipulation of qi, and they only require your body to be strong and flexible. Of course, since almost everyone is born with qi in their body, becoming extremely proficient will somehow allow you to remodel your body and it is rumoured that you can become an immortal if you are enlightened in the martial way.

Of course, each and every cultivator will say that this is bullshit. This is because martial artists will never develop meridians nor will the qi in their body increase in volume by a large quantity, unlike cultivators. Cultivators believe that they are walking in the footsteps of god, but martial artists are trying to become a God by themselves and they are just walking in circles.

Ever since my qi pathways got blocked, I have thought long and hard about how to proceed with my cultivation and did not have any ideas until Judge Cui talked to me about the realms of cultivation that are ahead of me. While this talk gave me an idea about cultivation in this world, I did not dare to try out the cultivation technique that I created as I would probably explode when I tried to form my core if it wasn't perfect or become a disabled person.

However, when everyone sat and talked about the theories of cultivation, I realised that my initial idea of cultivation was correct and there was nothing wrong with it! Cultivation is to create a body that is similar to God's.

The first realm of cultivators is the realm of Body formation, and then you enter the realm of Qi flow by creating a pathway for qi to flow. Once you have done this, you create whirlpools that will collect even more qi and enter the realm of Meridian Forming.

I have no clue what the realm of core formation right now but isn't this just the drawings that are plastered all over the walls of the Traditional Chinese medicine clinics!

On Earth, Traditional Chinese medicine was not a difficult course to get into as the vast majority of people who were interested in medicine, would pursue the western M.D. or MBBS degrees. All you needed was good grades and you would more or less be accepted into the course.

This was one of the degrees I had attained and memorizing the locations of all the major meridians were something you had to do before you could graduate. The cultivation techniques in this world must have merely identified the eight extraordinary meridians and ended it with one of the twelve standard meridians to form a cycle.

Thanks to the knowledge I gained in my last life, I know where the twelve standard meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians are located on the human body so I will form twenty whirlpools and dominate this world!

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