10. A Heated Discussion

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I didn't know if I should include a different point of view but I thought why not. its not long but let me know what you think.
Hope you enjoy.

Adrenous' POV

I watched Arif, Titan and Hunter as we sat around in one of my secret studies hidden beneath the castle grounds. It was only used when severe issues needed to be discussed in secret. I pushed down my growls of frustration as we waited in silence, I didn't miss the way Arifs jaw ticked, his own frustration surfacing.

We all sat around a fairly large, round mahogany table that took up the majority of the room. The candles illuminated the room but casted dark shadows across our faces and the areas where it couldn't reach.

Arif's inpatients bursts forth as he snaps, "Fucking hell, where is he?"

"He'll be here in a minute." I assured, giving him a warning look to remain patient. He took note of my warning as he leant back in his chair and watched the door where Rylan would enter. We were all a little apprehensive but obviously some hid it better than most.

Rylan joined us after twenty minutes of waiting for him to arrive. "Is she asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, took a while but she's asleep."

Arif growled, "Took her long enough." Rylan didn't retort to his comment as he took a seat, propping his elbow on the arm rest and leant on his side.

I let out a sigh of approval as I could finally relax, the tension in my muscles fading. I needed to make sure Ali wouldn't wonder the castle and have no idea where we were. I needed her safe and well away from this arising threat. The survival of the Kingdom depended on her being safe because if she wasn't I wouldn't be able to knuckle down and do what must be done.

Hard times bring hard choices.

My gaze drifted between my four generals.
All of them looked tired but this was something we needed to discuss immediately. We had no time to fuck about. "There's been rumours that Krellins been building up his forces-."

"What else is new." Titan growled. Titan was always short tempered when it came to them. He hated them with a passion for what they had taken from him. I usually let his anger slide because of his pain but tonight I needed them to all have a clear mind, void of emotion.

"Calm down, we need to get together a strategy."

"He's been trying to take this place down for nearly a millennia, do you really think this time it's different?" Hunter interjected. He was right. They had always failed to bring us down but that was before.

This time it was different.

"Yes." I growled. "He's always tried to find a weakness and this time I have one."

"Do you think he knows about her?" Rylan whispered, his voice echoing around the room.

He had a soft spot for her, I could tell. It slightly angered the wolf inside me at how close they had become in the short time they knew each other. I had to keep reminding myself that Rylan was already mated and wanted to protect Alivia as much as me. She needed all of our protection.

"She was spotted by a Rune, we can't take any chances." I said, leaning back in my chair with a sigh. A King couldn't afford to have weaknesses. I knew that but I couldn't let her go. I wouldn't, not after waiting a lifetime for her.

My whole life had been driven by anger and darkness. I had never cared for much until I saw her in the woods, looking frightened and vulnerable. My wolf knew exactly who she was as I was lured by her beautiful, blue eyes that held such innocence.

How could someone as fragile and innocent as her be paired with me- a monster?

I didn't miss it when Arif gave Hunter a sideways glare. He still blamed him for allowing Alivia to be spotted. Hunter saw the glare from Arif, his eyes withholding guilt as he bowed his head in shame.

"They don't know she was your mate. All they know is that she's half human. That in itself is enough to know that she's the weakest of our kind." Arif said. "I told you we should have left her where she was."

"I wanted her here safe with me." I snapped, my fist coming down hard on the table, catching all of them off guard as they all stared at me in surprise. How dare he challenge my decision. I was his king. His superior.

"Well I hope for yours and the kingdoms sake that she is safest here. Let's hope Krellin doesn't get his hands round her fragile throat—."

I bolted out of my seat, and smashed Arif into the wall, my hand gripping his throat tightly as his chair went flying across the room. "Don't you dare speak of such things! She is your future Queen and I won't have you speak of her like that. I don't care if you are my general." I growled, his face now straining as he gripped my hands holding his throat. He may be strong but not compared to me.

"Adrenous just calm down, he didn't mean anything by it." Rylan was at my side trying to relinquish my temper.

I let Arif go and he collapsed to the ground coughing. My body still shook as I breathed heavily with anger clouding my mind. My wolf howled inside me, proud he had showed our dominance. I clenched my fists tightly. Just a few words regarding my mate. That was all it had taken for me to lose my mind, my temper. Imagine what I would do if someone actually caused her harm.

"We'll discuss this later." I spat, glaring at Arifs bowed head. His way of showing me absolute submission.

I walked out the room and went straight to where Alivia was sleeping. I stopped outside the door and listened carefully. I could hear the calm, rhythmic beat of her heart as she slept.

I so desperately wanted to join her and have her safe in my arms as she slept but I would have to wait. If I got too close I would most likely mark her before she was ready.

I couldn't risk that.

Arifs words rung through my mind.
"Let's hope Krellin doesn't get his hands round her fragile throat."

I couldn't let Krellin get a hold on her. However,  I knew she was miserable being locked up here that I feared, even though she had promised me, she would try to escape again.

There was only one thing I could think of that would make her happier and ensure she keeps her promise.

I told you it was short but I felt it unravelled a lot. What do you think?

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