Unfamiliar Territory

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At this point, I was completely freaked out. I was on Blood Venom territory. I had no idea this pack was so close to Mystic Pack. Even though it took about 15 hours of walking, we made it. We kept walking for a while into the territory until we made it to the main pack land. Just by glancing around, I could feel the power radiating off the walls on this place.

"Um, excuse me, why are we here?" I asked, my apprehension leaking through my voice. It had just occurred to me that I don't know my kidnapper's name, and that was adding to the whole fear factor.

"I told you that we will be seeing my Alpha first. You have serious memory issues, you might want to get that checked, little girl," he retorted.

Little girl? For his information I was nineteen, and just because I am a little scared about being here and because I couldn't defend myself against a murder-seeking rogue doesn't make me a little girl. It just makes me a fearful adult. That's all.

"Alright, we are here. Can we go now?" I stupidly asked. I knew that he wanted to talk to his Alpha about me to see what the next steps were. I mean I guess he had to explain to his alpha why he killed someone while he was away from pack grounds. What I didn't understand why I had to be there and meet the most feared alpha ever.

"Come on, follow me," he ordered. Well, just so you know, buddy, this is what I have been doing for the past 15 hours. I trailed behind him, taking in my surroundings. It was actually a pretty nice place. The buildings looked beautiful and the layout was amazing. There were flowers everywhere and beautiful paths with grass growing between the stones. I almost forgot that this was the pack of every were's nightmares, and that I was not safe here at all.

Soon, I realized that we were heading away from the actual pack buildings and towards a much more ominous one. Just looking at it sent chills down my spine, there were fences around the building and it was pretty secluded from the rest of the pack grounds. And, that was when I discovered that I was going to be sent towards the pack dungeon. The place where they keep rogues that cross the territory, or wolves that betray the pack. At this point, I felt about ready to faint, and I desperately wanted to ask him why he was taking me there, but I discovered that my best option was to stay quiet at the moment. I realized that I have been making a string of bad decisions that I wish I could take back.

After a couple minutes, I watched him open a cell door and gently guide me inside. I looked around me and saw a bunch of super muscular large men standing guard at every possible exit. Even if I resisted getting into the cell, I wouldn't be able to escape. I was shocked, and scared as I heard the cell door squeak shut. I had so many questions, yet I couldn't find any words. Finally, he shut the door and locked it saying, "The Alpha will be here soon, he is really busy. You are lucky he is making time for you today."

Excuse me? I am lucky that I am in a cell, locked up, and I haven't had anything to eat or drink since last night. Gee thanks. 

 Relax, Cal. This is just regular procedure. They don't actually intend of keeping me here. Right? 

I sat there for what seemed like a couple hours praying that they will let me go soon. Finally, the main door creaked open and the alpha walked in. I started to feel self-conscious about the way I was looking, I had dried up blood all over me, my hair probably looked worse than a bird's nest, and my dress was all torn up and muddy.

Then he looked at me with the bars separating us. His gorgeous green eyes met mine and my whole world stilled. The only thing that can be heard was my stupid heart beating a million times a minute. I had no idea what to do or what to say, but I knew that he was mine, and I was his. We were mates.

I looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed, when I heard him say, "Keep her in the dungeon. I will deal with this problem later."

As I heard these words, my heart shattered.

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