Tears and Pancakes

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We finally got back to the main pack lands. We didn't really talk much during the walk back, but it wasn't an awkward silence either. I knew we had reached our destination when the many beautiful buildings that I once saw in passing graced me with their appearance. Even though it was dark outside, the moon illuminated them perfectly. Mason led us to the one that is in the middle, which also happened to be the biggest one. Since I had accessed this mansion from the underground tunnels, I didn't really know what it looked like on the outside. Also, when I ran away earlier today, I didn't really pay attention to how beautiful and intricately designed everything in this pack was. I was assuming that this was the pack house for the alphas and betas, since I didn't really meet a lot of people during my time there. Granted it was only about two days, but I didn't hear any conversations either. By the time I got to "my" room, I noticed that it had become relatively late, so I took a shower, got dressed in the clothes I found in the walk-in closet, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. I didn't have enough food yesterday, and I was starving. I made a significant effort to remember where the kitchen was since I first arrived here but managed to get lost along the way anyway. As I was looking around the halls, I started seeing a few unnoticeable inconsistencies in the tiles. Could these all really be secret passageways around this place? Or is it just because the buildings are old? Mason mentioned that only betas and alphas of the Blood Venom Pack know about these tunnels. Why would they keep this information unknown to the pack members? This pack keeps getting more mysterious to me by the second, but I plan to unravel all its secrets. Who knows how long I will be staying here, and it would be cool to venture into the unknowns of the Blood Venom Pack. More importantly, I need to figure out why my mate acts the way he does, and I think that the first step is to understand this pack, since he doesn't really talk to me. Curiosity killed the cat, my subconscious yelled to me. Yes, but satisfaction brought it back.

I got lost multiple times, seeing beautiful paintings along the way. However, I finally made it to the kitchen, and my stomach announced my presence to the people in the kitchen with the loudest sound possible. I smiled sheepishly feeling the color rush to my face.

"Someone's hungry!" I heard someone say. I glanced in her direction to see a woman with an apron around her waist look in my direction. Because she was a stranger my wolf was on high alert to check for any danger. But, my wolf couldn't sense anything to indicate submission to her on my part. So, she is an omega of the pack.

"Um, yeah, I guess I am," I replied, still a little embarrassed.

"Sit down, dear. I will prepare something for you. It is my job to do that here."

"No, no you don't have to. I can do that, please." I can't believe my mate makes omegas in the pack work for him like this. This woman needs to rest now, not cook and clean for his majesty and his visitors. "I know that he probably forces you to do this. But, not for me, okay? This isn't how things worked in my pack. And I am technically an elite prisoner here. So, don't treat me like I have a higher rank than you. My wolf might have warrior blood, but my pack doesn't exploit omegas and being here doesn't change that," I concluded, feeling terrible for this woman.

"I don't really give a shit what your pack does or doesn't do, Calista. You might have warrior blood, but I have alpha blood. So, shut up and respect how I do things here," Axel reprimanded, then turned to his maid and asked, "Did you pack my lunch, Emily?"

"It is already in the car, Alpha. Do you need anything else?"


He finally left the kitchen, and I released the breath I was holding. I felt my eyes well up in tears again. Why does everything make me cry? I have got to keep it together.

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