The Lunar Trials Part 2

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'That's a lot of people' was the first thought that popped into my head as I looked onto the crowd. Every single pair of eyes was on me, and even though they were all sitting on their chairs, it felt like they could pounce on me any second. The only eyes in the crowd who gave me comfort were Corrine's as she gave me a thumbs-up and her million-dollar smile.

I looked to my right at Axel, and I reached out my hand to hold his. I was not sure if he noticed it or not, but he didn't make a move to hold it out. I quickly hid my hands behind my back to hide whatever just transpired from the crowds that were analyzing every single part of me. Brushing it off, I focused on what was going to happen next.

"Calista Jessen," a voice I didn't recognize boomed behind me. I turned my attention to its demanding presence and found a long table with people sitting there. I recognized some, like the jackass William and Axel's grandma. There were 12 seats total, and I could tell because they were numbered. However, one was empty, and I assumed it was Axel's.

"Yes," I answered. It didn't come out very strong and confident like I had hoped it would, but it wasn't shaky either. I felt a little proud of myself.

"It is great to meet you, I am Councilman Darren, and this is the Blood Venom Council," he said gesturing to the people seated at the table with him. "Welcome to your Lunar Trials!" Even though he sounded friendly, there was this sick smile that I wanted to shove right off his face. I desperately wanted to roll my eyes at him because of how enthusiastic he is about the Trials. But, I contained myself, and instead smiled at the old man, and said, "Thank you, Darren."

"To start this off, you will have to pledge your allegiance to Blood Venom. Once you do, you will be able to take part in the official Trials that, if you pass, will make you Luna," Darren continued. I nodded my head ready for this to be over with.

"Alpha Axel, you may begin," William instructed.

At this point, Axel moved towards the Council's table and grabbed a beautifully, well-designed dagger from the center. Wait, what is he going to do with that?

I stayed rooted in my spot, not really knowing what to do. However, I trusted that whatever it is, was going to be okay. He moved back towards me and looked me right in the eyes.

"Callista Sophia Jessen, do you pledge your complete allegiance to Blood Venom and me as your Alpha?

"I do," I said sounding a little nervous. I think he was able to tell, because he paused and locked eyes with me, to give me some time.

"Do you solemnly swear never to betray the Blood Venom Pack or me as your Alpha?" He asked facing me and not losing eye contact for even a second.

"I do." I wasn't sure if I was supposed to recite everything that he was saying again. Nobody had really explained how this works, but since he kept moving on with the questions, I assumed I was doing it right.

"Do you swear to always do what is best for Blood Venom given your capabilities as a Luna?"

"I do."

"Do you swear to honor and cherish Blood Venom members and everything Blood Venom holds dear?"

"I do."

At this point, Axel glanced back towards the Council, as if signaling that he is ready for the next step. Quickly, he grabbed my hand, and led me towards the very edge of the stage. I wasn't really sure what was going on, but I was just rolling with it.

"To prove your allegiance to me and to this pack, we will form a blood bond, for this entire pack to witness," Axel addressed me, but making sure everyone is able to hear. "Our blood will mix and will fall on Blood Venom soil, as a symbol of the sacrifices we are willing to make for our pack," he continued.

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