Chapter 5

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You have decided to chase after the desperate deviants, avenging Connor's destruction. Choices made in the heat of the moment can lead to dire consequences, and may result in grievous bodily harm. My only hope is that Hank and Inara are able to overcome these obstacles. Back to it.

"I'm catching this plastic prick," I snarl. "That android would've killed me if Connor ..."

"Look, kid." Hank sighs, removing his hand. "Please, just go back to the office. There's no shame in stepping back once in a while."

"You're wasting time." I push past the Lieutenant, running toward the front door. Like a dog chasing its tail, I run around, doubling back on myself. Complacency threatens to take hold, as the room begins spinning. There's got to be something.

"Jesus! Just slow down." Hank jogs begins me, waving his hand. "You're not doing anyone any good frantically running around the place."

My lungs burn, as my teeth grind together. "There's got to be something." I scrunch my eyes closed and crouch on the tar road. "Fucking anything. Please!"

I open my eyes and can't believe my luck. Thirium. I've stumbled across faint traces of blue blood, leading me to that robot. I dip my fingers in the goop and smile. "We've got 'em, Lieutenant."

"Where the fuck are you going now?" Hank huffs, "please explain!"

But I haven't got time for that right now. The bloody bread crumbs lead me to the alleyway, and to my attempted murderer. The path leads us to this chain link fence, smeared with even more thirium. Yes! We're on the right track.

Without hesitation, I scale the metal and hop to the other side.

"Inara!" Hank belows. "Stop this now. You're going to get yourself killed."

"Not if I kill her first," I mutter, removing my glock from its holster. The ridiculous Android is crouching in plain sight at the mouth of the sewer, and I'm not going to waste this opportunity. I run across the dry concrete, tears obscuring my vision.

Mercedes turns her head toward me, but doesn't move. She just turns back. What the fuck?

"Detroit Police. Put your hands up or I'll be forced to shoot," I order, running the last ten yards.

As I get closer, I can see why she's not moving. She's crouching over Audrey, the little android's LED is black. A small pang hits my chest, but I'm too fired up. It's not my fault the girl, I mean little android is dead.

I point my firearm at the back of her head. "I said hands up."

"Do it," Mercedes whimpers, gently caressing Audrey's destroyed cheek. "My daughter is dead. I have nothing left." The robot leans into the barrel of the pistol. "I said DO IT!"

"Uhh." I hesitate. My anger slowly washes away every moment Mercedes cries over her kin. How can anyone do this to anything? Anyone? The scene before me just chips away at my resolve, making me question which way is up.

But Connor's lifeless body flashes before my eyes. He jumped in front of me. Saved me, despite his programming. Surely I couldn't just stand by while his murderer roams free, despite the circumstances.

Mercedes wants to die. Just do it. Don't be a fucking pussy and just do it already! She killed Connor, she deserves to fucking die.

My head pounds as I pull the hammer back. "Any last words?"

"RA9, save us."

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