War For Her

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We arrive at the 'battlefield' Esdeath called it, too many people look at me when I'm pushed out

"Good luck kid" The man says with a snicker. I look around and see Esdeath looking down at me, sle leans over to the man to her immediate left and says something, I wonder what it was

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, this boy will be fighting...THE BAAAAAAZEN BUUUUUUUUULL" His hands flail about, motioning mainly to the door below him. after he does so a large creature stomps out, covering himself with dust. When the dust clears I see a large half-man-half-bull grinning at me, in his hand I see a hammer, the head of a bull at it's base

"You ready to die kid?" He slowly walks toward me

"N-not really" I said quietly

"TOO BAD" He says before charging me, knocking me into the back wall. I feel my ribs scrape against one another, blood pours out of my back, soaking my clothing. I look up, seeing him charge me once again. When he connects, everything goes black, then I see a tiny light in front of me. I run toward it but can't quite reach. I keep running, desperate to get this tiny light but it keeps moving. When I finally get to it it feels warm, warm and slightly wet. As soon as I went under I wake up, covered in blood and entrails. I taste something, something amazing, I keep chewing so I can keep the taste. I look down to see the bull-man's corpse, his eyes are missing and his mouth hangs open. I look a little down and see his chest cavity wide open, some intestines missing. I hear more stomping, more creatures approach me, no, nonono, NONONONONONONONONONO. My mind is blank, I can't move, but my body saves my by jumping out of the way. When I return to the earth I fall upon one of the creatures. I shove my hands into his eye sockets and grab whatever I can, crushing his skull and him along with it. The next one comes at me and I put my hand in his mouth, grabbing his tongue and ripping backwards, making him bleed out. No more. The stomping stops, my pulse slows and my eyes become heavy. Peaceful rest beeches me and I fall under. 

TimeSkip, unknown

When I wake I see a room, pressure is mostly on my side so I assume that's what I'm laying on. Suddenly something pulls me into itself, I try and escape but I can't

"I see you're awake" The thing speaks

"H-hello" Is all I can think to say

"How was your sleep?, you did quite well out there"

"D-did you see..." I trail off

"Yes, I saw, but I'm not disappointed in the least" She rolls over, hovering above my face "It just confirmed a suspicion I had about you"

"S-suspicion?" I can't look her in the eye

"You're one of the organic tigu" She whispers  before licking my cheeks

"I don't know what that is" I say quietly

"I wouldn't expect you to, your mind has likely blocked out the happenings" She lays back down, pulling me to her once again "But that's for later, now we sleep" She kisses the back of my ear and her breathing slows

TImeSkip, unknown

I wake up to see Esdeath's bare back, I think she's changing. I suck in a breath and close my eyes tightly, squeezing tears out

"You may look" She says, simplifying a complicated string of brain signals

"N-no, it's not p-polite" I pull my knees to my center and stare into them

"Oh you're no fun" I hear a shuffling, then I feel her hands under my arms. She lifts me to her chest and rests my head on her shoulder like a tired child. I grab fistfulls of her uniform and purse my lips as tight as the muscles will allow. I open my eyes to see the bed getting further away, I hear the click of a door and on cue I see a set of double doors close behind us. As we walk multiple people stare, some even snickering to themselves, those people immediately shiver slightly and get back to their tasks. We walk for about 10 minutes before we arrive at what looks like a lab wing, white walls adorned by white coated scientists and screams fly around like air

"Ahh, miss Esdeath, nice to see you brought our little Thrall" I feel someone touch my back, I feel little pinpricks rise to oppose his touch

"Full body too, you really are quite the find arencha" He takes his hand away

"You said you could find him a sufficient weapon?" Esdeath says sternly

"T'would seem he dosen't need one, it looks like the tigu can manifest anywhere

"Run a few tests, just to be sure" Esdeath tries to hand me over but I keep my grip

"Don't worry little Y/N, I'll be here the whole time" She soothes me by rubbing my back, no pinpricks this time

"O-ok then" I let go and the affluent man leads me to a table, I lay down like Esdeath tells me. A suit is draped over me, causing a little more than pinpricks to appear, I feel something unsheath itself from my skin. I look through the eye-holes to see spikes with a black base and red tip, the red runs down it like water, or blood. That's it!, these spikes come out of me to get rid of unwanted touch, that would have been useful, you know, YEARS AGO! 

Author's Note:

Little longer than the last ones, sorry for the addition of tigus. Sorry in advance. 

Esdeath x Young Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now