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"Hello, little Y/N" Esdeath pats my head and smiles "Today, you will learn to control the Thrall in you"

"Th-thrall?" Wasn't that the thing Dr. Stylish mentioned?

"Yes, the little monster that resides in your blood" She tugs on my hair slightly, I like it

"The red spikes?" I look at her face, pale as snow yet beautiful all the same

"It can do other things, I've seen them be quite flexible" She says with a remembering glance to the left

"Huh, they seem so solid though...but I'll try my best!" I clench my fists and look forward, ready

"Well, let's go" She picks me up and we go to  what looks like a sandlot-turned-fighting ring "BOLS!" She shouts into the door opposite us

"Hello" A large man with a tank and gun walks out "Is this the little guy I've heard so much about?"

"He is, you know the drill I'm sure" She steps back to the wall "Just stand there darling" She waves her hands in motion to the sand below me

"Sorry if this hurts..." The man called 'Bols' takes aim and fires...literally. Fire runs after me, threatening to eat me up and turn me to ash. I wait for the heat to become too much and for my body to wither...but nothing happens. I feel something rip into by back and something else create a shadow in front of me. Dull heat rolls over my front and I open my eyes to see red tendrils blocking my front, red tips adorning their ends. The heat ceases and the tendrils fall at my sides, heaving up and down at the ready just in case

"RAN, NOW!" Esdeath shouts and I hear quiet whirring, like arrows flying through the air. 3 of my 6 tendrils block my left side  and I crouch out of instinct. Heavy thumping fills my ears and my tendrils shake ever so slightly. They go back to rest when the bombardment is over, 2 slithering around my torso to block any unexpected attack. Something else tears my back apart, I feel 2 objects slither out and more tendrils appear at my sides

"WAVE" Esdeath points at me and an ironclad man with...wings? runs at me, sword at point. This tome I run forward, trying to will the tendrils forward to disarm him. 4 tendrils shoot forward but the man knocks then away, the other 2 take their place and grab him around the waist, throwing him into the dirt. I hear a constant clanging and thumping from in front of me, the ground seems to shake in tandem. eventually I hear a scream of pain, when the dust clears enough I see my tendrils digging into his right leg, shaking violently as they tear it off. When they're done they rest at my sides once again, tips jutting in any direction that allows sound

"Very good Y/N" I hear Esdeath's voice and footsteps behind me, the tendrils immediately point in her direction

"S-sorry about his leg" I have a tendril pick it up and hand it to her "I got scared" I say and  the tendrils wrap around my limbs so I'm entirely covered, aside form my face of course, I like the security they provide

"It's alright, they knew the risks" She puts her hand on my shoulder "And I'm quite happy with the result"

"My gods man, you didn't tell us he was a Thrall" The one-leg stands with his sword

"Oh hush Wave, you rushed in and didn't think of the repercussions" An angle floats down next to him

"I'm s-sorry, I k-killed him" My tendrils loosen slightly

"Oh no, I'm no angle little one" The non-angle reaches his hand forward "I'm Ran"

"Oh-ok good" I shake his hand "I'm Y/N" I smile at him and my tendrils slither back into their place

"I'm going to Stylish about this" The knight-boy motions to his lack-of-a-leg and Esdeath throws him the leg "Thanks General" He says and hobbles away

"Sorry about that" I say again

"Oh it's quite alright little one, come, I'll show you around" Ran offers his hand, and I take it with relative ease, tendrils still hanging at my sides

Author's Note:

Bit short, sorry about that. Sorry if I got Ran's name wrong, I couldn't remember and wifi is dim. Sorry in advance. 

Esdeath x Young Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now