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I fell asleep in a sitting position in the main carriage but I woke up with my head in Esdeath's lap. 

"Hello..." I make an attempt to sit up but her hand goes over my mouth and she pulls me back down

"You're staying right where you are" She smiles down at me "It's comfy, no?" 

"Very, thank you for the pillow!" I snuggle into her stomach and wrap my arms around her waist. She pets my head and hums what sounds like a lullaby and my eyelids feel like little drapes, slowly descending on the stages that were my eyeballs. 

TimeSkip, ???

I wake up to Esdeath shaking my shoulder and kissing my face, I bat her hands away as they try and hold me down. She wins, obviously, and she presses one final kiss to my lips and for a moment, my mind stops to examine every sensation and sight it can. After too short a time she backs away and smiles brighter than I've ever seen, so I try and match it but can't seem to. 

"You're clothes are all torn up, what did you do?" She asks after a few minutes of staring at me

"I fought the lady with the poison sword" I say, tring to get this blush ff my face

"Akame?" She looks at me in shock

"What?" I look at her blankly, was that her name or something?

"Akame, the wielder of Murasame and sister to Kurome, one of my more powerful Jagers" She explains, although I don't remember a female sword wielder in my fight...I think so anyway

"Was she in the fight?" I ask with a tilted head

"Fight?...Oh!, nonono, she was resting then" She says while twirling her finger in the air

"Oh, can I meet her?" I always like new friends

"Sure, but f he even attempts to touch you in any way that I would disapprove of, I will kill her" Her voice got all deep and scary then, it made me shiver all over

"What way would you disapprove of?" What does she mean by 'touch'?

"This" She smiles with pursed lips and grabs the back of my head and my lower back. She presses her mouth to mine and shoves her tongue in my mouth before I can even mentally react. The overload of senses causes my head to spin at a thousand miles a second, almost dizzying me. I try to push back with everything I have but I fail miserably, my entire being submitting without fail. I fall into her arms and allow my mind to wander within itself while I try and reason what the hell is happening. Her hands wander my upper body, rubbing over certain spots that make my shake with excitement, she uses these slight reactions to map out my sensitive spots. She finds every inch of sensitivity of my body, making my muscles ache with want and need, need for her hands. Eventually she breaks off and our mixed saliva maintains a connection, she breaks this connection my licking her lips and sliming her eyes to that of  a predator, her prey?, me. Like her yes suggest, she leans into my weakest spots, biting down on my jaguar and making me hug her closely, trying to deepen her teeth into my flesh. She obliges and bites down hard enough for warm blood to rush out into her mouth, she apparently enjoys the taste because I feel a suction saping all it can. After the bleeding subsides she backs away and touches the bruised spot, making me flinch sightly before grabbing her wrist and holding it there.

"Quite the little masochist aren't we?" She smiles sweetly for the first time in about half an hour, not that her other smiles didn't make me happy

"Wh-what's a masakist?" I ask with labored breathing, my mind trying to solidify this memory

"Masochist, and it means you enjoy pain on a pleasurable level" Well she's got that right

"Oh, well I guess that applies huh" I stare at the ceiling, not able to catch up with myself

"It certainly does" She giggles with a hand in front of her face, blocking what little view I have of her

"So...What time is it" I tilt my head up and look at her now unblocked face

"Well it's definitely night, and from the looks of it about 10:30"  She looks outside 

"Does that mean bedtime?" I prop myself up with my arms

"Of you want it to" She lays in the bed of the carriage, waving me over with her left hand

"Yay!" I say happily before getting down there and pushing up against her, allowing her arms to wrap around me and I do the same

"Goodnight my little Y/N" She leans forward and kisses my forehead "Love you" She says before pursing her lips slightly and her body tensing

"Love you too" I say and snuggle against her chest, and she tightens her grip, I do too

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapters. Sorry I couldn't find Akame's last name. Sorry in advance

Esdeath x Young Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now