Chapter 6

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Amy's p.o.v.

Oh, why is it always me? Can't something bad ever happen to him? Like maybe, oh I don't know, him dying!? That infernale little demon, ALWAYS getting attention. Getting what he wants and what do I get nips, scraps, scratches, and only god knows what else. All because of that annoying blue demon! Now I get why Eggman is always trying to kill him, because he's a fucking demon! Why did it have to be him though? I was tricked into thinking he was the love of my life, only for everyone to find out the truth of what he is. Was he always trying to use me for my skills?

Then I felt a something hard hit me and I fell down on my backside. 'What happened?' Then everything came rushing back all at once. I sat up to see a tree standing in front of me. After what Shadow would call 'Faker' 'Suits him pretty well' attacked me, I went to the hospital and I didn't know what to feel or think anymore. I felt hurt, betrayed, used and most of all angry. All of that was directed at the spawn of the devil.

After the trip I saw the demon snuggling up to Shadow, 'What the heck is wrong with him?!' I tried to go up to him to see why he attacked me but when I got near, he started growling at me with his ears pinned down against his head. I backed away but he was still at it. Tails, Knuckles and Rouge all brought me into the kitchen saying they wanted to have a talk.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked. They all looked on edge and I got the feeling that something was more then just wrong.

"I talked with Sonic and he said that he doesn't like you." said Knuckles looking at the living room where the demon was fast asleep purring in Shadow's chest while he was petting his quills. Just the sight of this infuriated me. Then he went on and on saying everything he said. Boy did it ever make me mad!

"We all agreed that maybe it would be best if you stayed away from Blue hun. We don't want something else to happen." Rouge said putting her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and looked over at Tails.

"We all thought that maybe you could collect the emeralds while we took care of Sonic since he doesn't want you anywhere near him." he sighed while scratching the back of his neck "But that would only work if it was alright with you."

'If I could get him to like me then I might be able to use him the way he used me.'

"I guess I could do it."


After that everything went downhill, he started trusting everyone but when I got the chance to hug him, he would scratch at me that would be enough to draw blood and bite down hard making me let go. I tried plenty of times but whatever I did only made my blood come on my arms. Everyone else did absolutely nothing!!! At night when I fell asleep, I could always feel someone watching me and I just told myself it was my imagination. The next morning, I woke up to blood on my once pink sheets. Realization hit me hard in the head when I saw cuts that weren't there before.

This continued for a week until I finally had enough. I stopped bugging him and no more cuts would appear, but he wouldn't let me get remotely close and would act like a wild animal. Heck, we couldn't be in the same room without that happening.

Most of the time I would spend my time in my room or outside. Anywhere I could to get away from that demon. The only times we were in the same room were for meal times or when I was going outside. So far I've found 4 chaos emeralds, if counting the one that Shadow is always holding, and speaking of Shadow, when I was going to go outside I saw him with the demon cuddling his chest looking all happy. When his ear twitched in my direction, his head faced where I was standing and he glared at me. I took two steps toward him, hes ears went back, growling at me. I decided to go over to the door, not bothering to give a second glance back and that's how I wound up where I am.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever needed or if I'm just a nuisance."

"Well if you don't feel wanted, I could always welcome you." I turned around quickly and saw Eggman in the flesh standing before me.

"What do you want Eggman?" I said slightly taken aback that I was talking out loud to myself and that he answered me.

"Can't an old enemy say hi for once without being attacked?" he said putting his hand to his chest "And why are you out here by yourself and not with your friends."

"I'm not sure if they are even my friends anymore."

"Is it because of the little menace?"

"You know about him?"

"You mean about the rodent and his real brother, then yes. After the attack I did, I found some hopefully useful information." I thought a little, if that info could help me teach that demon a lesson then maybe teaming up with Eggman won't be so bad.

"If we team up then maybe, the both of us together could get rid of the demon once and for all."

"Are you saying that you don't want him alive?" I just crossed my arms looking at him.

"I don't want anything to do with him anymore. He is a menace, a freak, a monster and a lier. That demon tricked everyone into thinking he was a hero and I had enough of everything that has been going. Especially how I seem to be his target." Eggman stroked his chin looking at the ground before looking back at me.

"Maybe we can team up, but I'm going to need a few items."

"Name them."

"The research I did says that to get rid of a demon you need to have three things: the demon, the chaos emeralds and an aging stone." I was confused how can the those items get rid of him? I thought those would help him?

"How's that going to work?"

"You can't get rid of demon when they are kids, only when they are fully grown. Seems stupid, but that's how it works. Using the emeralds, there is a special chant that can be used to expel any demon from existence. Unfortunately for me, I have 3 chaos emeralds but if we team up then we can get rid of the rodent once and for all."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I said as I start walking back in the direction of the house.

"Oh, you might need a few items to help you. Follow me." he said walking in the opposite direction. 'Why not?' After a little bit we came across his eggmobile. He went over to it and grabbed 2 syringes with a strange liquid inside of them, a brown sack and a small cage.

"These syringes hold a liquid that can make the one injected fall asleep for a period of time. It will be more than enough time for you to bring him in the cage. As well as to get the emeralds and stone in the bag to make it back to my base." he says while handing me the items.

"You might have to wait for the stone, but I can bring the emeralds."

"All right then, you better head back it's getting late." I didn't notice until I looked at the sky, the moon was making its way up. The two of us went our separate ways and when I saw the house in the distance, I hid all the items behind a bush. I went inside only to hear some sounds coming from upstairs. 'What are they doing?' When I closed the door, I was bombarded by everyone coming at me.

"Where were you hun? We were just about to send a search party for you." said Rouge coming up to me

"I guess I wasn't paying any attention to what time it was."

"Well next time make sure to wear your wrist communicator." said Tails bringing the comm to me. I put it on only to realize the demon wasn't here.

"Where's Sonic?" just saying his name makes me gag, but I didn't.

"Upstairs." Knuckles said pointing behind him "But he says he wants to see you and won't go to sleep until he does." 'Let's see what he wants.'

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