Chapter 14

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Scourge's p.o.v.

"Snake, you are his brother but It's his life that he has to live. You can't always be there for him." I said sitting down beside him. He looked at me and then his lap.


"No buts. He's gone this far without you, I'm sure he can take care of himself."

"He hasn't even seen a taint before until now."

"What's going on?" A voice asked and we looked back to see a bat, an echidna and a two-tailed fox.

"Nothing that suits you, kitsune." Snake said as he stood up from the coach, facing them.

"The least you could do is be nice since we took care of Sonic until you came back." the echinda said pointing at him

"Speaking of Blue, where is he? And where is Shadow?" the bat said putting her hands on her hips

"If your speaking about the red and black hedgehog, he is in the kitchen with Exetior." Lightning nodded towards said room. Just then we heard a loud bang come from there and raced in to find no one in the room. The fox went over to a door and opened it revealing a pink hedgehog lifting Blue onto her shoulders. She turned towards us and with a two-finger salute, she vanished.

"NO!" Snake raced in and kept clutching and unclutching his fists. We heard a bang a looked over to see the hedgehog all tied up.

"Shadow!" the three mortals went over to untie their friend and we came over to hear what was going on.

"What happened?" the fox asked

"She caught me off guard and tricked Sonic into coming in here, just to capture him again."

"Who is she anyway?" I asked and Snake turned to me. Angry was fresh in his eyes.

"That is the taint. She is the one responsible for all this." his voice was strangely calm. He turned towards the group. "Did you put a tracker on her?"

"No, we found her and she beat us up pretty good. No one got remotely close to even getting a touch on her." 'There has to be a way to find them... Wait a minute.'

"What about the shack I saw."

"Shack?" Lightning asked

"When I was looking around I saw a empty shack not a good distance away from here. It was empty but seemed like someone was living in it before."

"Do you think you can find it again?" Snake asked

"I think so."

"Alright, here's the plan."

Sonic's p.o.v.

'Oh, ow... Where am I?' The last thing I remembered was the taint pretending to be Shadow and I blacked out from something hitting my head. I tried moving my arm but something cold and hard was stopping my movement. I tried my other arm, the same result. I couldn't move my legs either. I tried shifting under, whatever was holding me and that's when I felt something cold touching my torso, chest, wrists, forearms, thighs, ankles and neck.

I couldn't tell which way was up or down, night or day. I think my eyes are open but I just saw black. I couldn't move my mouth and felt something touching my lips. Luckily, I could still use my ears but I couldn't hear anything. The silence was deafening and if I didn't hear something soon, I might go crazy.

I heard something that sounded like footsteps on wood and I strained my ears to get something that might help me. Panic started to flood my mind as the sound came to a stop and I felt a breath on my face.

"Don't worry demon. The game of cat and mouse will begin. All I need now is to make an example of you. One whiff of your blood, and those friends of yours will be as good as dead. You should have never come to Mobius."

The sound came again but it sounded distance with the ringing in my ears. I remembered that voice. The same voice that I once watched over. Only, it wasn't the same. The voice before was filled with joy and love. Even if it was intended to sound like a threat. This is the voice of someone who is filled with hate, distrust, disgust, disappointment, anger and someone who wanted pleasure at the same time.

I waited but the sound didn't come again. Only silence. Panic rose again and I could feel someones gaze on my body. 'I know your their. Give up!' I tried to invade who ever it is, but there wasn't anything there. Just a blank mind. 'Damn... Almost worked.'

The sound came again and I felt something sharp touch my leg. I winced as the object was dragged and I could smell my own blood.

"Shh. The fun hasn't even begun yet. This is punishment for those times you hit me."

"MMM!" I let out a yell as the object was slashed on my leg faster. I felt something wet touch my leg.

"Your blood is better then I expected." 'Did you just lick ME!?!?' I felt more slashes on my other leg and arms. The sound came back and got farther away.

"I'll be back demon. I will have more fun with you after my guests arrive."

'This isn't fun, it's TORTURE! Even I know that and I go insane!' The silence was back and my ears were ringing again.

Then I felt hungry. I knew that if I didn't eat, my instincts would take over and I'll have an almost 100% chance that I'll go insane. The smell of my blood wasn't helping either and I tried to block it out. 'D, Scourge, Saw, anybody, please help.'

Demonic Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें