Caged and Free

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Ok, so this story has BDSM in it. Love you guys, enjoy! and PS: I'm not pregnant now nor do I plan to be anytime soon. I'm in college in case your curious. Ok, back to the story!!!

When I got back from school, I dropped all my things by the foot of the bed, and grabbed myself a snack. I ate my apple while sitting on the dining room table thinking about all the homework I had but had no interest in. I decided laying down a much better use of my time and went to lay down on the pallet of blakets and pillows at the foot of my bed within the confines of my cage. Although the bars were cold and unfriendly it had become my home, my place of solice, and my place to wait for Sir to get home. At first I was alert and awake, but slowly my eyes began to drop and sleep overcame me.

I was startled awake by the sounds of the bars on my cage moving. I looked up startled, but calmed when I saw my Sir standing above me. But there was something wrong, his eyes were cold, his expression angry, and his features cold. I dropped my eyes as a sign of respect but was pulled out of the cage harshly by my hair. Then I was tossed on the bed like a rag doll. I'm not a small human but he had a way of making me feel three inches tall. Sir told me to stay put, then went to the bathroom and began removing his tie and shirt. Not sure what was wrong I layed on the bed barely breathing, waiting for him to return to me and give his next command.

When he returned he stripped me down, then he asked me if I knew what I did wrong. Now that I was bare before him of course I understood. I recited the rule he had set out for me, to always be naked in his presence, to be ready for him when he arrived home. I had failed. I knew I deserved this, I had broken rule one and deserved to be punished, we both knew it. He probably observed me laying there on the bed, eyes closed unsure what would happen next. He pulled me by my ankles and flipped my onto my stomach. He positioned me over the side of the bed, face down ready for his pleasure. His tone was calm as he spoke, as he told me what my punishment was. He was going to blindfold me so I could not observe his pleasure, then take me slowly making org@sm close to impossible, and then if I was good he had something for me. So I layed there, heard him open and close the drawer in the closet, felt as he slipped the blindfold into place, and waited.

His entry was sudden, so sudden it was almost painful but I loved it. Instead of the savage thrusts he normally delivered, they were slow, deliberate, and worse than any spanking he could have dished out and he knew it. He kept me on edge, left me wanting, desperate. When he finally got close, I could tell by the way he sped up. We must have gone for hours like that, slow and powerful before he finally whispered in my ear, when I was ready I was allowed to cum. But I wasn't there yet, and he was getting closer. So he lowered his body onto mine, snaked a hand beneath me and started pumping into me with one of his fingers. The combined feeling of his hard shaft and his finger sliding next to it in rhythm sent me over the edge. It did not take long before I was flying, and he grunted as his warm seed filled me. I was his and the hot cum inside me was his territory marker, nothing could be hotter in that moment.

I lay there spent, wondering what could possibly come next, when he pulled me up beside him. He removed the blindfold so he could stroke my hair slowly, probably to try and calm me so my rapid breathing would slow. He asked me how I was feeling, and I shrugged not sure what he meant. I felt great, the same way I always did when he was done with me and we hadn't even done anything painful this time. He told me there was something he wanted me to do for him, and I happily agreed, serving Sir was the best feeling in the world, I would happily do what he wanted. When he was finally satisfied with my breathing he got up and moved to his briefcase from work and pulled out a little box. Without my glasses I could not make out the box until he got closer. "I want you to take this test, and show me the results please," was the only thing he said. I eyed the box with trepedation, not sure I wanted the answer none the less if he did. But I told him I would and like a dutiful submissive I went to the bathroom and waited with baited breathes.

The little white stick glared at me ominously from it's perch on the countertop. I would have to look at it eventually. Finally I worked up the nerve to actually read it. I sank to the floor, tears in my eyes unsure of how to tell him. We had been trying for a child for so long, I wasn't sure how he would handle the news. Turns out I didn't have to, he must have heard my sobbing because he opened the door to find me a crumpled mess of tears. The angriness I had whitnessed earlier was gone without a trace, and he was once again the caring lover I fell in love with. He picked up the pregnancy test from the counter and looked at it with disbelief, then picked me up with tears in his eyes and brought me back to the bed.

When we were both calm, I asked him how he knew. Normally in the books the heroin starts vomiting every five seconds and everything is overdramatized but I hadn't even experienced morning sickness. His reply took a minute, but he pointed out that I had been sleeping more, eating more, that my breasts had filled out even more, and that I had missed my period. He noticed things about me and my body even I hadn't. This was one truly remarkable man, and I fell a little more in love.

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