Chapter 5

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I was in the ballroom where me and Drac would see each other. He said he needed my help for the Skeleton' s wedding.

"Where is that guy?" I asked myself.

Suddenly I heard loud voices and knocks on the door.

I heard some voices say.

'' Come on! Just give this to her!"

"No I can't!!"

"Compliment her outfit!"

"Ask her out!"

Because of my curiosity, I opened the door and was greeted by Drac, Mavis, Jonny, Dennis, Winnie, Frank, Murray, Wayne, Griffin.

"Uhh.." I was out of words.

"Oh Y/N! Your already here hehe" Drac said

"Yeah, good thing you already arrived cutie pie" I said and pinched his cheeks.

I hear squeling from the others. Frank gave me a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, thanks Frank. Th-" he suddenly cutted me.

"That's not from me. It's from your secret admirer"

"Secret admirer?"

Drac's face turned red then suddenly pulled me away from them.

"Ok ok guys. Me and Y/N gotta prepare now bye." Drac said and closed the door.

We were the only people on the ballroom and it was total silence till he broke it.

"So, our first work is...putting the tables in place." He said

"That seems easy."

After minutes, I started to push some tables and it was harder than I thought.

"Oh man..this is hard!!" I complained

"Hard? That's just the first table" Drac said

"Is there an easy way to do this?" I asked and sat on the table.

"Just do what I do."

I looked at how he would put the tables in places that fast.

"Table 3 please go to Table 42's place" he said

The table I was sitting flew into the air with me on it.

"Whoaaa!!That's cool."

"Yeah right. Now let me continue."

He continued putting the tables in place while I'm just flying in the air on the floating table. Till I got an amazing idea.

"Hmm..Table 13, get Drac"

I saw the table went to Drac and it flew with Drac sitting on it.

"What's with you Y/N?" He asked

"Ohh nothing! Just having a little fun!" I said as my table flew all around the ballroom till Drac tried to catch me.

"Hahaha there will be no more fun once I catch you!" He stated

"In your dreams!!!"

We started to fly around while laughing like there's no tomorrow. I looked at the cute vampire behind me, his laugh is so cute

Oh no..stop it self! Stop it self!"

"Chandelier!!!" Drac screamed as I saw we were heading on the chandelier.

I jumped from my table and waited for me to fall till Drac's table went by and caught me just in time.

"I saved your life. AGAIN"

"Yeah hahaha!"

We continued to fly the ballroom till the table went out the ballroom and we started to fly around the hallways.

I was having so much fun while Drac was scared for any monster that might pass us.

"Woohoo!!!!!THIS IS AWESOME!!!"  I shouted

"Get out of the way!" Drac told the witches that was on our path.

The table we were on won't stop and I was infront of Drac while we were flying.

"I hope this never ends!"

Drac's friends saw us flying around the hotel and find it fun so they flew too with some tables.

"Everyone join the fun!"

I stared at Drac who was just staring at me while smiling.

I felt our table stopped and I fell while Drac was still on it. Good thing I fell on the pool.

"That felt amazing hahaha"

It was weird cause everyone was quiet. A saw a light coming from the front door. There was an old man,he looks like a vampire though.

"What is going on here?" The old man asked

I waved my hands at him.

"Hello sir!" I shouted and Drac seems to be shocked and he flew all the way to me.

"Let me help you with that" he said and helped me out of the pool.

"Uhh hehe thanks"

He just went red and smiled at the old man who was going towards us.

"Drac?Who is this lady?" The man asked

"Oh dad. She is a human t-that took a vacation here in the hotel.

Ohh so this is Drac's father?

He looked at me from head to toe.

"Is she your girlfriend son?"

That made me red.

"Uh n-no dad!!"

He pushed his dad to a room. What was that all about?

I saw Mavis walk all the way to me.

"So, how was the work with Dad?" She asked

"Oh you know. Everything went ok and we might have flew on the table as you can see" I said and pointed to the other monsters who are flying on some tables.

"That's nice. You and dad really do have something in common."

She suddenly smiled and just stared me.

"Mavis? Is everything ok?" I asked

"N-nothing. It's just that I wish you were my.."

"Your what?"

She went silent for a minute.

"My m-"

Frank and Murray interrupted us.

"How was the date with the Count?"

"Did you two have fun?"

I was confused at what they meant at first.


"Ohh! We meant how was the work?Did you two finished?" Murray asked

"I guess. The only thing needed is the practice for the marriage."

His Property (Hotel Transylvania): Dracula X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now