Chapter 6

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Dracula's POV

I'm with Dad and he might not know who Y/N was.

"Drac, who is that lady?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"Uhh hehe you see dad, s-she is uhhhh" I tried to find an excuse.

"So she is your new girlfriend huh?"

"What?!No!I don't like her. Really dad."

"Too bad. She looks like your ideal type of lady. Don't be too picky son."

"Uhh dad, for how many times have I told this. I don't like Y/N. S-she is just a friend of mine." I told him but I knew he wasn't convinced.

The door suddenly opened revealing Y/N.

"Drac! There you are!" She stated

"Why are you looking for me?"

She walked over to Vlad.

"Excuse me Mr King of Darkness, can I borrow your son for a minute?it would be very nice if you would let me." She asked.  She is so polite.

"Sure Miss, you can take him now and never ever return him ok?"

"Dad stop it!" I complained that made them both laugh.

Y/N pulled me upstairs and lead me to her room.

"Y/N? W-what are we doing here?"

She locked the door and started opening her cabinet.

"This will just take a while Count." She said

I'm starting to imagine what was the reason why'd she put us here. Oh man.

"Aha!Here it is!" She said and gave me an envelope.

"What's this?"

I opened it and saw it was the invitation for the Skeleton Wedding. There was something that caught me eye and made me blush.

Best Man-Count Dracula
Maid of Honor- Y/N L/N

"See it already?" She asked while smirking

"Does that mean we shoul-"

"Prepare the wedding and practice our dance."

A Dance?!

"Wait, did you say dance?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Before the married couple take their first dance, the maid of Honor and the Best Man should take a dance first." She explained

"Wait, who made those invitations?"

"I heard that it was made by Mavis and Jonny."

Those two trying to hook me and Y/N up. Hmp.

"That dance is ok for you, right?" She asked

"Uhh of course. I'm perfectly fine with it!"

She smiled at my reply and opened the door.

"Thanks for the cooperation Drac"

I walked out her door with her following me.

We were just walking together not even talking. I was always nervous when I'm close to her, I don't know why.

"So, I guess we should start now?" She asked

I just nodded till she grabbed my hand and lead ourselves in the practice hall.

"You do know how to dance right?"

"Of course I know how. I'm the Prince Of Darkness."

"Oohhh like the sound of that."

She asked one of the zombie to play us a simple yet sweet song for us to practice with.

"First, you should put your hands here"

She grabbed my hand and placed them on her waist.

"And I will put my hands here"

Putting her hands on my shoulder as we had eye contact to each other.

I was mesmerize at how beautiful this lady was.

"Now lets just dance to the beat."

We started to move while dancing. I cant help it when she laughs if I turn her. There's just something about her smile that just makes ever more.

"Drac?You ok?" She suddenly asked. I was too lost in her eyes that I didn't notice she was also looking at me.

"Ohh hehe yes I'm just fine." I replied with a smile and we continued to dance.

We practiced many times till we're on our final practice.

I just have to give Y/N a turn and kinda give her a very close lean.

"You already know what to do Drac?"

I nodded.

We danced again trying to be fabulous with each other till we're on the last part.

"Ready Drac?"


I carried her and spun around. I got lost at how she moves till I heard some people from beside.

There were Vlad, Mavis, Jonny and the others...cheering at us that made me lose balance.

We fell and she was now on top of me.

" head"

I saw how close our face were to each other and Im as red as a tomato.

"Dad you ok?!" Mavis shouted.

"Yeah yeah, Im fine."

She went off me and helped me up.

"That was a great practice haha! Hope that it will end great at the wedding." She exclaimed and clapped her  hands.

"Uhh yeah..."

She was about to leave till I stopped her.

" Uhmmm Y/N?"

She turned around and faced me.

"Yes Count?"

I could faint anytime knowing this girl is standing so close to me.

"A-are you b-busy later?" I asked the beautiful lady infront of me.

"No..not really. Why'd you asked?"

Should I invite her for lunch?What if she denies?or she might hate me?

"I-I was just wondering if I could invite you to a-a" she shushed me.

"Just talk normally Drac. It's ok. Now, what were you saying?"

"Would you want to join me this noon for lunch?"

The ballroom was filled with silence.


I looked at her and she gave me a smile.

"I'd love to join you." She said.

"Ohh hehehe ok. So, see you at 12:00?"

She nodded and I turned to a bat and flew away.

S-she...she said yes!!!She said yes!!!!

I've got a date!!!!

I was flying around the hallway till I was greeted by my friends.

"What's with that smile huh Count?"

"Well, he invited Y/N for lunch and she agreed and that's why he's like that" Mavis explained.

"No..noo!! It's just a f-friendly lunch. Yeah, friendly." I said defending myself

" Yeah right."

I walked back to my room hoping to find the best clothes for later. I'm so excited.

His Property (Hotel Transylvania): Dracula X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now