Chapter 17

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Ivy left? That's weird.

Atleast I don't have anyone to worry about anymore. I spotted Mavis and the other girls talking, then she spotted me and told me to come to them.

I walked up to them but i felt a  hand on my shoulder, it was just Drac.

"Y/N? Where are you going?" Drac asked.

"Oh, Mavis is calling me. Just gotta see what she wants to say." I replied then gave him a smile. He came closer and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Uhh Y/N?"

"Yes Drac?"

What is he going to say???

"I was wondering if you are busy tomorrow night, i want to invite you on a da-!!i-i mean a hangout out of the hotel.." he said and gave me an awkward smile. I find it cute though.

"I'd love to go. Besides, I got nothing else to do tomorrow night." I replied and he smiled.

"That's great!well, i guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah haha, see you Dra-"

I was about to finish talking when he ran out of the ballroom. Uhmmm ok? That was kinda weird but I didn't mind it for long and I walked to Mavis and the others.

"Hey guys!" I said and walked closer to them. Mavis turned to me and so the others.

"Y/N! You are not gonna believe what we planned on Dennis' Birthday!" Mavis said excitedly. I didn't know Dennis' birthday is close, i need to find a gift!

"Oh really? What is it?" I asked.

"It will be an island themed party!"

Whoaa..that idea was pretty cool.

"Cool theme. Where'd you get that idea?"

"Oh, Johnny was talking about resorts and beaches. So what if we make the party based on humany things, that would look great! " Mavis explained then came Johnny.

"That's right! My son's birthday is gonna be the best! Credits to the idea for the party, from his cool dad!" Johnny stated and wore a sunglass.

We laughed at Johnny's way of talking.

"How about you Y/N? Do you have any more ideas?" Eunice asked me. Hmm i never tried partyplanning before.

"What if we make some games during the party, make a piñata, have a chocolate fountain, and for the last event, watching fireworks for the last program of the night." I said and they were all shock.

"That sounds awesome!" Johnny shouted in excitement, so with the other girls.

"Y/N, you make the best ideas ever! And i like the part of watching fireworks for the last time." Mavis said.

"Oh come on guys, my ideas aren't that awesome." I said with a giggle.

"Oh btw Y/N, how long are you gonna stay here? We would love it if you can make it to Dennis' party." Wanda stated.

Oh I almost forgot, i only have 3 days to stay here. I still need to go back to my dad.

"Why? When is the party?" I asked.

"Next week, monday!"

Oh man...i'm not in the hotel anymore that time.

"I think i can go." I said and they went shock.

"What?! There's a chance you're not coming?" Johnny said with sadness in his eyes.

"Guys, i only have a week to stay in this hotel. I still need to get back to my dad and fixed my files on my dad's business. But i think I could make it for Dennis' party."

"We hope that you'll be there!"

"Dennis will look for you!"

"My dad will be the one looking for you as always." Mavis stated.

I scratched my head in embarassment and they all laughed, seconds later i did too.

"So Y/N, what is the reason why you need to leave that fast?" Eunice asked.

"My dad works his own business in our hometown and to other countries. He wants me to finish my files since he wanted me to take his place in his work someday." I explained.

"So that means, you are not gonna go here after that?" Mavis asked.

I saddened at that moment. I will be pretty busy if I take Dad's job and there's a less chance that i will return here..

"I still don't know."

"Aww Y/N, don't goooo" all of them said. They all look so cute.

"I'll see what I can do. Plus, I'm still a part of the Skeleton Wedding right? And that comes by the end of the month." I said and they all smiled.

"You should come or else Drac won't have a partner for the dance."

I smiled at the thought of the Skeleton Wedding, what will the hotel look like?

"Hey Y/N, what happened to you and Ivy?She just came here earlier and went out of the hotel with bags packed." Wanda said.

"Maybw because Ivy got scared of Y/N hahaha" Johnny said with a loud laugh. He might be right or maybe because she realized that Drac will never like her.

Then I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket. Someone is calling me, it was Dad.

"May I be excused? I need to answer" I asked them. They all agreed so I moved away from them and answered Dad's call.

On the call.

Y/N -"Dad? Is that you?"

Dad- "yeah sweetie, i was wondering if when will you come back home after that vacation of yours?"

Y/N- "I'll come back home in three days Dad. Why'd you ask?"

Dad- "i'm coming home in two days. My fellow business partners said that I can go back home since we were done talking about our business."

Y/N- "That's good news Dad! I'm proud of you."

Dad-"Haha. Thanks Y/N. I'm excited to see you come back since I have good news!"

Y/N-"Really? What is it?"

Dad- "It's a surprise. Plus, our business will grow more higher than before since I made an agreement to a fellow business partner of mine."

Y/N-"That sounds amazing Dad. Can't wait to get back home."

Dad-"I'll just have to wait for three days to see you Y/N. Daddy misses and loves you!!"

Y/N-" I miss you too dad. Gotta go now. Byee.!!"

End of Call...

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