CHAPTER 18: As We Go

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

We all had dinner together, it was silent at the table, As soon as Rosalie finished she excused herself since she was tired and Cornelius escorted her to their room. My parents stayed a bit to chat with me for a while before excusing themselves to sleep as well. "I made this for the baby," Frederick said walking to my side to show me a small bracelet made of yarn. "Oh, that's really good. I'm sure the baby will really like it, thank you sweetie" I said hugging him. "Winston said I'm not taking lessons next week because we're traveling," Frederick said pulling a chair to sit closer to me. "Yeah, we're gonna go see the kingdom and go to festivals" I responded, his face immediately lit up. "Really, a festival with sweets and games," he said really excited.

"Yeah, loads of sweets, but that doesn't mean your gonna just eat sweets alright" I responded as he nodded his head. "I know, I'm gonna eat normal food too," he said as if he was trying to remember what food would be considered a meal. "You should get some sleep it's getting late and you still have lessons tomorrow," I said standing up. "Can you stay until I fall asleep, I had a nightmare last night?" he said grabbing my hand. "Yeah, of course, come on," I said walking with him. I read him a story as he fell asleep slowly when he was fast asleep I slowly closed the door trying not to wake him.

I made my way back to my room but noticed Winston's office light still on. "You're still awake?" I said peeking in. "I heard what happened with Fabiana from the maids so I thought I do a background check on the rest of the employs," he said moving the files to the side. "You heard... from the maids, well isn't gossiping a problem" I said, those ladies really liked talking. "That's what I meant when I said you couldn't do anything you wanted without people talking about you," he said sitting up. "Well, I figured as much... What happened to you?" I asked realizing his cheek swollen and purple. "Your friend punched me, is what happen," he said.

"What! Why? You didn't hit back did you?" I asked I mean Cornelius seemed fine so I suppose Winston didn't hit back. "Of course I didn't, he told me to stay away from you and that I was probably using some dark magic to keep you in trance" he continued. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry, he's really skeptical about magic," I said walking to see his cheek. "It's fine, though I can't say I wasn't left with the urge to punch him back," he said turning his chair my direction. "Let me help you, the cold will help," I said using an ice spell to cool my hand as I placed it over the swollen part. He moved my hand and hugged me resting his head on my baby bump. "I'm sorry that day, if only I didn't let you guys go alone he would still be here he would have been with you and this child, but now no matter how I try to get my thoughts straight I can't stop thinking about wanting to see you happy again about how I can make you smile the way you smiled at him" He said letting go and looking up to me.

"You've already done so much for me and though I can't promise you the same smile, I can at least show you a new one," I said putting my forehead on his before kissing him. "You should get some sleep," he said standing up before kissing me back. "Even if I try I'll can't sleep properly, kind of ironic I just helped Frederick with that isn't it" I said before my stomach started growling. "... You should probably eat something first hopefully that can help you sleep." he said " I just ate though..." I responded. "Clearly not enough for that little guy" he said gently patting my belly. " I don't want to have to wake the cooks at this time" I said. "What are you craving I can probably make it" he responded. "You cook?" I asked.

"I wanted to be a chef in the past, but as you can see it didn't quite work out the way I planned" he responded grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. "Yeah, I suppose. Then how about spaghetti?" I asked. "That's all? Very well" he replied. He stayed till I finished eating and walked me to my room. When he left I sat on my bedside and started thinking about what Cornelius said to me earlier of not forgetting who I was. I felt like I already did, I lost of who I was before. How exactly was I before this, what made me laugh, how was I able to handle the things so well before, where was the carefree spirit I once had. It felt like my memories of my time in Tiria and Libero were just small dreams.

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