Chapter 28: One Family

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Location: Luciaa, Lavine Kingdom, 1873 - 1 year after

In the early morning, Frederick left Tiria and made his way to Luciaa to check on Princeton. He arrived at the Well's estate and noticed Princeton playing a game with Cynthia in the garden accompanied by the Well's. "Frederick, you came. Princeton has been waiting for you to get here" Mr. Well's said greeting him. "I apologize for my tardy, My aunt was holding me up" Frederick responded. "Oh, don't worry about that the point is you had a safe trip," Mr. Well's said as they walked over to the table were Mrs. Well's was watching Cynthia and Princeton play. "How has Princeton been behaving Mr. Wells?" Frederick asked taking a seat. "Call me Wilkins, and he's been doing great he's slowing coming out of his shell" Wilkins responded. "I'm glad to hear" Frederick responded looking over at Princeton who had just now noticed him.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming anymore," Princeton said running to hug him. "Sorry, Psy. But hey Lu sent this for you" Frederick said taking out a drawing from Lucius of the three in the forest. "Then I need to send him something..." Princeton said looking around. "Why don't you draw him a picture too" Frederick answered. "Good idea I can make one for the both of you" Princeton responded. "May I draw one too?" Cynthia asked joining them. "Of course" Frederick responded. As Mrs. Wilkins brought some paper over for them "Do you want one too Frederick?" Mrs. Wilkins asked handing him one. "I'm fine, thank you" he responded. "Alright, Well I'll leave it here in case you change your mind" she responded taking her seat.

After Princeton finished his drawing he looked towards Cynthia's "brother send her's instead" Princeton said noticing the drastic difference between the two. "Why don't you want to send yours?" Frederick asked. "It's not as good, and Lucius is good at drawing so send him her's instead," Princeton said. "I'm not sure Cynthia will be okay with that, it is her drawing after all" Frederick responded. "... Is it okay Cynthia?" Princeton asked her. "We can send him both" Cynthia responded smiling. "Are you sure, you don't have to" Frederick responded. "I want to though" she responded handing Frederick the picture. "Okay, give him both" Princeton said giving his. "Alright, I'm sure he'll love them" Frederick responded.

"Frederick when will the new Guardian or king be coronated?" Wilkins asked. Frederick took a deep breath since it was beginning to be tiring to be asked so often. "Not anytime soon I can assure you," Frederick answered. "Oh? Is there a reason?" Mrs. Well's asked. "Princeton will be the next ruler, therefore it will be when he's ready," Frederick answered and Princeton looked up immediately. "I'm ready now!" Princeton said. "No, Psy. Not yet," Frederick said and Princeton crossed his arms "Don't be upset Princeton, You'll be here to play with Cynthia and Bear until your brother comes to pick you up," Mr. Well's added trying to keep Princeton calm.

Frederick took a deep breath, "It's getting late so I should get going, I have plenty of work to get done in the forest," Frederick said getting up from his chair. "Of course, Will you be coming next month as well?" Mrs. Well's asked. "Yes, So Psy please behave," Frederick said patting Princeton's head. Frederick left Princeton watching at the gate, " Princeton dear, dinner is ready, we should head inside it'll get cold soon." Mrs. Well's said putting her hand on his shoulder. Princeton looked up at her with sad eyes but said nothing and followed them in the mansion. "What's the matter Princeton?" Mr. Well's asked but he didn't answer just shook his head and ran upstairs to his room and Cynthia followed close behind.

"The change must be really hard for him don't you think?" Mr. Well's said seeing his worried wife. "He's so young and already has so much expectation... Do you think it was right to take him in? Maybe he would have been better in the forest and a more similar atmosphere," Mrs. Well's answered. "Prince Frederick thinks there's a threat in the forest and Doesn't want the young Prince's there. If we wouldn't have taken him in it would have made it difficult for Prince Frederick to find someone else to do so," Mr. Well's said. "He's such a kind boy, it's difficult to think that others don't see that," Mrs. Well's answered. "It's the legacy he was left with, all we can do it's guide him and wish him the best," Mr. Well's response. "Very true, I just hope he opens up more to us and lets us help him." Mrs. Well's said. "Only time will tell, my dear." Mr. Well's answered.

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