Chapter 37: New Members

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom 1887 - 2 years

Frederick: 30, Lucius: 24, Princeton: 22

The three brothers visited each other frequently, Lucius and Sitara had a little boy which they named Orisis he had white and coral hair and deep blue eyes. Within this time both Priscilla and Cynthia had also had children. Priscilla had a girl which Frederick named Hadleigh, she had red hair with matching eyes. As for Cynthia and Princeton they had a boy to which Cynthia named Alvin, he had bright green eyes and his hair a light pink with turquoise blue. Princeton was in a meeting with some of the kingdom's officials while Cynthia visited her family with Alvin. "Your majesty we come to understand that you will be hosting a festival in Libero soon in honor of your mother and well as the representative from Libero the people would like to know if the royal family will be coming since it will be held outside rather than in a venue," the representative said.

"Of course I'll be going, why wouldn't I?" Princeton asked sitting back. "Libero can't offer a venue to host an event where you and your family may be or feel comfortable," the representative continued. "It's a festival, I'm not trying to hold something fancy. I'm very well aware of Libero and the place it will be held. Besides my mother liked to talk with the people not sit on a pedestal, Where ever Libero feels like it can accommodate the most people that's plenty." Princeton said. "Yes, your majesty" the representative answered. "Anybody else has a concern?" Princeton asked. "Your, majesty, There seems to be Lavine forces rounding up in Santino and Flario," another said. "There's what? Forces you say, is there any report of what they are doing there?" Princeton asked sitting upright.

"No, your majesty but the people are growing concern," they answered. Princeton turned over to one of his guards, "Tell Ingrid to meet me in my office," Princeton commanded, "Yes, sir" they answered quickly leaving. "Your majesty your not planning on starting a war, right?" one representative questioned. "Haha, no don't worry about this, for now, you guys worry about the festival, I'll talk with Commander Russou to help asses this situation better," Princeton said getting up and leaving the room not saying much more. "Sir, the kingdom isn't strong enough for a war," a guard said following behind. Princeton stopped "I know, and I won't let it happen. I need you to report it to Ric immediately." Princeton said continuing on his way.

"King Princeton, you called for me?" Ingrid said saluting. "I did, actually. Say our Squadron how tough are we?" Princeton asked. "Um, our team mainly consists of reform criminals so I suppose we are seen as tough why?" Ingrid asked. "Right, well it seems the Lavine's have come to knock on our doors," Princeton said. "Oh? Um did we let them in, should you be greeting them then," Ingrid asked. "No, they came uninvited so I was wondering if it would be appropriate to send the Squadron to open the door," Princeton said. "How long have they been waiting out there? I don't think that's a way to treat any guest especially from the neighboring kingdom," Ingrid answered.

"Are you playing dumb or are you really not understanding this?" Princeton asked concerned. "... Excuse me?" Ingrid said crossing her arms. "Ugh, okay let's put this in simpler terms the Lavine's have positioned forces along Flario and Santino so I'm asking if you think we should send troops to guard it or should we talk to them personally?" Princeton said getting frustrated. "Why didn't you say that sooner, why are you making riddles for gosh sakes difficult much. As your commander I would say, we should try to avoid conflicts since we are in the middle of recruiting and we kinda get out recruits from the Lavine prisons but I mean I don't know," Ingrid answered shrugging.

"That's true, but then again I should protect my kingdom..." Princeton said thinking before the door bursts open. "No war! Don't think about," Frederick said trying to catch his breath. "Hey, perfect well aren't you quick," Princeton said with a grin. "Of course the moment they told I came rushing here. I can't let you make a decision like this alone knowing how you escalate things," Frederick said closing the door. "I voted no, he's questioning it though," Ingrid said tilting her head towards Princeton. "Oh~ don't worry, I was just considering it," Princeton answered. "No get any idea of it out of your head," Frederick said putting his hands on Princeton's head. "Yeah, I got it talk about trust dear brother. But tell me doesn't it concern you that the Lavine's are oh so close," Princeton asked pulling away.

"He's right armed troops are things to be worried for," Ingrid said. "Then we'll arrange a meeting with the Lavine and peacefully, you hear peacefully talk about this," Frederick said. "You say it like I would cause tension on purpose," Princeton answered chuckling at his concerned brother's expression. "That's because I know you," Frederick answered. "Alright, now then you come with me," Princeton suggested. "I was already planning to," Frederick responded. "Goodie, I'll send a letter to Cynthia to let her know I'll meet her at her parent's," Princeton answered. "Priscilla is gonna be pissed if I tell her I won't be back until we get this sorted," Frederick said taking a deep breath. "Then don't tell her, easy" Princeton answered rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah, sure it is. Priscilla is even moodier than usually because of her pregnancy and Hadleigh isn't the calmest child in the book and you mean to tell me to just leave for who knows how long without telling her?" Frederick said.

"Wow okay, Um can I be excused or I'm I still needed?" Ingrid said looking back and forwards between the two. "Yeah you can go, but do tell Max and Neo to prepare to accompany me to Canterlot for a few days," Princeton answered amused at his brothers earlier responds. "Got it," Ingrid said saluting as she exited the room. Lucius walked in as Ingrid left, "Ric, I thought you said you wouldn't be joining us this week?" Lucius asked looking at the two. "Our plans are canceled Lu. Ric and I are going to talk with the Lavine's. I would ask if you want to come but~ you said you don't like politics so" Princeton said walking to the other side of his desk. "Is it about the Lavine forces?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, you've noticed them too?" Princeton responded. "Well yeah, kind of difficult not to. Why don't you just ask uncle Oswald, he is the commander." Lucius answered. "Ahaha, no. I rather go straight to the source," Princeton answered. "Yeah, Lu. Asking Oswald is kind of out of the question..." Frederick replied. "I suppose but it might be easier just saying," Lucius said. 

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