Andre - Soulmate AU

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When I turned 18 I got my soulmate mark. It was a black stain on your skin where your soulmate would touch you for the first time. Only I could see it which I'm happy about. My mark was on my right wrist like my soulmate is helping me up or something. It doesn't help that it's also winter and I wall on the ice all the time.

"Let's just make this a quick trip," I whispered to myself.

Zipping up my coat I wrapped a scarf around my neck. Making sure I had my phone and keys I made my way outside. Because it's my day off I decided to treat myself to some coffee and walk around town trying to see some dogs. 


Taking my coffee I made my way toward the park watching as couples walked together. I was a little jealous that I didn't find my soulmate yet, but then again I could wait. Smiling to myself I looked to the right and saw a cute elderly couple laughing together in the park. Before I could think of the future with my soulmate a dog ran through my legs causing me to fall.

I closed my eyes bracing for impact, but a hand grabbed my wrist. Right where my soulmates supposed to touch. Opening my eyes I saw a very handsome man with brown hair and the most gorgeous eyes. 

I grabbed his wrist too and he pulled me up. Looking down at my wrist I saw it changed color. Taking a glance toward the guy's wrist I saw it and it was (F/C).

"Your favorite color (F/C)?" he asked.

I nodded and look at his face.

"Well, I guess we're soulmates. My names Andre," he continued and reached his hand out.

"My names (Y/N)," I replied shaking his hand.

"Since you dropped your coffee can I get you a new one?"

"Sure, why not."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the nearest coffee shop.

We sat in the coffee shop for the next five hours just talking to each other and even planning our future.


@Corys_Stevie I hope this is what you wanted. Or at least it makes you happy!

And of course for everyone else too!!

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