Ch.8 Blondie

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A young woman with blond hair and brown eyes was seated across the coffee table, staring at us. She wore a plain black suit and had a boyishly beautiful charm to her.

I don't like her.

Across from her sat Tanizaki Junichiro, with a folder of documents in his hands. Standing behind the sofa he was seated on was Naomi, Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai and I. They all observed Higuchi, blondie's name, with interest. I just lazily glared at her.

I can't put my finger on it, but I really don't like her. I wonder why.

"Um, I've been told this is a contract for an investigation. What exactly is it that you would like investigated?" Tanizaki asks.

"Such beauty."

Huh? I look to my right to see Dazai no where in sight. He was kneeled down in front of blondie. He suddenly takes Higuchi's hand, and begins to make advances towards her. I'm going to kill him.

"You are pretty and bold like a water lily. Would it be too much to ask you to commit a lover's sui-"

 Would it be too much to ask you to commit a lover's sui-"

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A loud thud resounds as Kunikida hits Dazai.


"Please excuse the disturbance. Forget what just happened, and continue to tell us about how we can be of service."

Saying this, Kunikida drags Dazai into the next room.

"We'll just be one moment."

He closes the door behind him. The next thing we can hear is Dazai getting a full beatdown as Kunikida yells at him.

...I guess I'll let Kunikida kill him for me.

"Um, about the investigation," blondie continues.

"I'm amazed she can ignore what's happening." Atsushi whispers to me.

"The fact of the matter is, some undesirable types have started loitering behind my company's office."

"Undesirable types?" Tanizaki questions.

"Scruffily dressed people, who seem to speak in a foreign language..."

"Smugglers, no doubt." Kunikida's voice intervenes.

We watch as he appears from the next room. He slowly closes the door behind him, but not before we all got a glimpse of Dazai. He was on the ground, in pain, with his arm stretched outwards towards us. I feel bad for him now. Kunikida just continues the conversation like nothing happened.

"They just keep appearing like cockroaches, no matter how much the authorities try to stamp them out. It's the fate of all port cities."

"Yes. We would go to the police if we had evidence of them doing anything illegal."

"So you want us to stake out the area and get evidence? Hey, brats."

Kunikida looks at us from the corner of his eye.


"What, old man?"

"You two go."

"Whaat?!" Atsushi worries.


"It's an easy job for rookies like yourselves. All you have to do is stand watch. And besides, most smugglers are harmless sorts who are only good at running away. This should be just right for your first job."


"Tanizaki, you're going with them." Kunikida orders.

"If my brother is going, I'm going too~!" Naomi happily hugs her brother.

So the four of us prepare to head out.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I fill my bag with items I think I would need for my "first" mission. Atsushi stood at his desk and did the same.

"Hey, brats."

Kunikida walks up to us.

"Yes, Kuni-san?"

"...You're making this hard, girl." he growls at me.


He sighs and continues to talk.

"I do have some measure of sympathy for you two and your misfortune. Which is why I'm going to give you some advice about life in this city."

He produces a photo from his journal, and shows it to us. It was a picture of a young man with a sickly appearance. He had a slim build and very pale skin. He has short, choppy black hair with side bangs which reach his chin and turn white at the tips. His eyes are sharp, somewhat baggy, and a dark empty grey. He's also wearing a long, black coat in the picture.

"Stay away from this man. If you guys ever cross paths with him, run." Kunikida warns us.

"Who is he?" Atsushi asks.

"He's with the mafia."


"Well, that's what we call them, for a lack of a better name." Dazai explains as he sits at his desk.

"A dangerous criminal organization that has made the port their territory... They're commonly known as the Port Mafia. They're one of the most dangerous groups in the underworld here. That man in the photo is too dangerous even for the members of our detective agency." Kunikida informs us.

"Why is he dangerous?"

"Because he has a supernatural ability. One that is honed only to maim and kill. Not even the police can stop him."

I look over at Dazai, who seems to be seriously deep in thought.

"Even I rather avoid fighting him." Kunikida adds.

"What's his name?"


"Are you two ready?" Tanizaki calls out to us by the front office door.

"Y-Yes, coming." Atsushi answers.

So we start walking over. But just as I take my first step...

"Shiori, I need you to stay here."


I turn around and look at Dazai. He had a serious expression as he stares me down. Kunikida faces him as well.

"She needs training. This mission is easy for her."

"I have a different type of mission in mind for her."

"...Fine, but it better not be anything stupid. I'll let the others know."

So Kunikida goes over to the group before they leave.

"I can't let Atsushi go by himself."

"He'll be fine, trust me. I have a very important mission. It involves a life or death situation."

"Really? What's my mission?"

Dazai narrows his eyes at me.

"Your mission is..."

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