Ch.31 Mr. Rich Money Bags

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"No one told me that we were living together!" Atsushi says he enters the office.

It's currently the morning after yesterday. Dazai and I were already at our desks. Dazai was reading his suicide book while I was on his laptop, playing some puzzle games. Atsushi sits at his desk, while Kyouka continued her kneeling position with her fingers pressed to the tatami. She was next to Atsushi's desk. I feel bad for her, she looked like a pet.

"We don't have any spare room, you see."

"What about Shiori and I?"

"I moved into Dazai-san's room. She can take my place. No worries." I answered while keeping my eyes on the laptop.


"She agreed to it." Dazai informs him.

"If that is what you command." Kyouka speaks.

"Don't you get it, Atsushi-kun?"

Dazai ushers Atsushi over with his hand. They lean in and whisper to each other, but I can still hear them.

"What do you mean?" Atsushi questions.

"She has no one. She's like a girl who's alone and lost in the woods. The mafia might send assassins after her."

"That's true..."

"Protect her."

"Got it. I'll do everything I can!"

Kunikida watches the scene in front of his eyes, from his desk.

"If you've got time to hang out with the kid, go write your goddamn report about what happened when you were imprisoned by the Port Mafia. You too, girl."

"Heh, heh, heh... Atsushi-kun~"

As if he had dawned upon an idea, Dazai spins about in his seat and faces my twin with a serious expression.


"Write our reports for us."

"Whaat? I'm not doing that..."

"Even if the report mentions who's behind the bounty on your head?"

Oh, I completely forgot about that. I never did ask Dazai again. His words capture my brother's attention.

"Did you find out who it was?"

"According to the Port Mafia communication records, it was financed by the leader of a supernatural ability group in North America known as "The Guild"."

I instantly freeze and stop what I'm doing. The Guild? They're after my brother? That means they'll be coming here. What will happen if they find me? After what I did, I'm sure they're going to kill me. Or even worse...

"The guild is practically an urban legend... A secret organization whose agents hold key positions in the world, while behind the scenes, uses financial muscle of machinations... What could they possible want with the kid?" Kunikida asks.

The sound of a helicopter approaching suddenly becomes audible. At the same time, Tanizaki bursts into the room.

"W-We've got a problem!"

The sound of the helicopter grows closer. A military-type helicopter hovers momentarily in the air. Moments later, it lands on the roof of the detective agency. The members of the agency, I included, rush to the roof and to the helicopter.

"Looks like they made the first move." Dazai thinks out loud.

The helicopter door opens, and from within emerge three westerners. There was a girl, my age, standing to the left. She had long, dark reddish/pink hair with choppy bangs put in two thick braids. On the left side of her head, she has a white flower hairpiece. She also has green eyes and pale skin with a short, slim build. She also has braces and wore a funny-looking tattered dress. To the right stood a tall man who had light brown hair and wore fancy clothes. In the middle was the true trouble.

The man in the middle is a tall and slender. He has short combed blonde hair and clear blue eyes. He wears a properly buttoned white shirt with a tie, and creamy yellow tailored suit and trousers. He was holding a brief case over his right shoulders. He smirks at us, pissing me off.

The man and his followers slowly approach us.

"I'm here to talk." the blond guy spoke.

Everyone just watches closely. Naomi is the first to speak amount us.

"Yes, right this way."

So she shows our three  guests inside. The rest of us quickly follow them in.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"I want to know what they're saying." I say, being impatient.

Everyone was currently hanging around the office. The director, Naomi, and Haruno were in the director's office with the leader of The Guild, and it's members. I was pasting back and forth while everyone was at their desk, talking or working.

"Stop moving, girl. Everything will be fine." Kunikida speaks.

"I can't stop. These jokers are after my big brother, my twin, the other half of me." I quickly reply.

"You worrying too much." Ranpo simply speaks his mind.

He was sitting on his desk while eating a bag full of candy.

"Well, none of you have a twin so you can't possibly know how I feel."


Atsushi was just stared at me.

"What? Aren't you worried?"

"...I'm sorry to pry, but you're not worried about me."

"What?! Of course I am!"

"...No you're not. You never worry about me. You either get mad or protective over me. There's something else you're thinking of."

I freeze in place. When the hell did he learn how to read people?!

"You're my family..."

"But you know I can take care of myself just fine. Call it a connection between twins, or whatever, but there's something else you're thinking about."


I can't tell him, or the others. I don't want to remember that part of my life. I finally blocked it, after years of remembering.

"He's right you know."

Dazai looks up from his book and at me. His face showed a serious expression.

"You're not thinking about Atsushi. There's something else you're stressing over. Mind telling us what that is?"

Everyone's eyes land on me.


Just then, The Guild's leader, and his followers leave the director's office. The director and Haruno followed right behind them.

"Well, that's a shame. Our deal could have ended all the trouble right here." the leader speaks, with a grin on his face.

The two of us lock eyes, and he smirks at me. He turns towards the director.

"How about a new deal? Give me that girl, and I'll leave Yokohama."

The director did not look pleased.

"She's a member of this agency. I already told you, you are not going to take anyone from here."

"I find all this very hypocritical of you. You say you don't want me, or my organization, around, and yet..." The leader looks at me. "You let an ex-member of my organization join your agency."

Everyone looks at me. I was beyond pissed as he forces me to remember my pass. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the leader of The Guild, turns towards the office door. He's grin was still big as ever.

"Kenji, show our guests out." the director ordered.

"Okay." Kenji, the farmer boy, smiles.

He leads the jokers out of the office.


I look at the director. I calm myself down first though.

"My office."

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