Ch.23 The Flirt

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We finally arrive to our destination. The car heads into a massive underground facility.

"Kunikida!" Dazai warns.

The moment our car enters, a grenade is thrown towards our direction. Kunikida swerves to avoid a direct hit. We cleared the explosion and the car comes to a direct halt. But as soon as the car stops, the sound of gunfire and a hail of bullets came our way.

"Doppo Poet, flashbang!"

An intense flash of light incapacitates the ambushers.

"This is definitely the place. You two, head for the stairs. Find the transmitter and disable the bomb. Girl, you're with me."

Atsushi and Dazai go up the stairs, following Kunikida's order. Kunikida draws his gun and we move forward.

"...Girl, wait!"

Kunikida and I look at the floor beneath us. On the floor, numbers start to appear. Like ants drawn to sugar, the numbers gather around our feet and then vanish.

"Let's see what numbers you two got."

I look straight ahead to see a slim guy,  about my age with blond hair, standing on a pile of rubble. He smirks at me, creeping me out.

"I imagine such a beautiful girl, like yourself, would have quite the number. Tell me, what number do you have?"

Sensing something strange on my right hand, I look at it. Upon looking at it, I see the number 50 imprinted on it. Kunikida's number was 39.

"This is..." Kunikida stares at his hand.

"The fact you found this place means your as good as they say. Very impressive, Armed Detective Agency. Very impressive indeed."

Is he mocking us? The blond-haired guy jumps down from the pile of rubble. Kunikida aims his gun defensively. Grinning defiantly, the guy snaps his fingers, of his right hand, to the right. And then, as if pulled by an invisible thread, Kunikida's gun is yanked from his hand and flung to the side.

Crap. He's a long-range supernatural ability user.

"How's your number doing, detective?"

"My number?" Kunikida asks.

We watch the number on his hand decrease from 32 to 21.

"The thing about my ability is, there's just no escaping it."

The guy points to the left and Kunikida's body is immediately launched in the same direction. Every time the guy points his fingers, Kunikida is flung in the same direction. Finally, he is slammed against the floor from a high height.

"Kunikida-san!" I worried.

"I can toss people, who have my number, in any direction I want. Even if they're on the other side of the world. And when they're number hits zero, they writhe in pain and die. No one can escape this fate. No one at all..."

The guy removes his hood to reveal an evil smile. The number on Kunikida's hand changes to 15. I was not happy.

"Leave him alone!"

I run at the guy try to kick him, but he holds his finger up. I instantly freeze in midair. I can't move. The guy points towards himself and I going flying towards him. I stop in front of him and he lifts my chin with his fingers.

"You're such a beauty. It would be such a waste if you died. I know..." He dude leans in close. Way to close for comfort. "I'll take you home and make you my pet."

"So I'm a dog now?"

"No, your more like a fierce puppy."

His fingers move down my neck.

"A cute, beautiful, puppy."

"Sorry, but I already have an owner."

"Oh? I bet you'll think twice when I do this."

He points his finger and I fly into Kunikida. Kunikida, still in pain from minutes ago, manages to catch me. My number goes down to 27. He's was 8. He's in danger of dying and he's still protecting me.


"It's fine."

"So, beautiful, will you be my pet? Or should I kill your colleague?"

He raises his finger again.


"Girl, don't worry about me-"

"You're such a good puppy."

The guy tossed Kunikida in another direction as he freezes me in place.

"Stop that! If you have to kill someone, kill me!" I snapped at him.

His face is in mine again.

"Why would I kill you? We can have so much fun together."

"Your flirting is making me sick. I knew I was going to be sick."

"You'll be singing a different tune by the end of the night."

"I'm pretty sure my foot will be up your ass by the end of the night."

The dude was grins at me.

"Your barking is tough for a puppy. How about I make you whimper now?"

"My owner wouldn't like that."

"Are you forgetting that I own you now? I wonder what your old owner did to make you so loyal. Did he already claim you for his own?"

I blush when he said that. There's so many ways you could interpret that.

"I see, it must be true if your blushing. I guess you two must be pretty intimate."

"...No, we're not."

"Oh? Is it that you have feelings for him? Feelings that he doesn't return? Is that why you follow him? I bet it must hurt when you see him play with a new puppy."

The thought of Dazai and Sasaki comes to mind.

"...N-No, I don't care who he sees."

"You say one thing, but your eyes say another. Your hurt. He must have found a new puppy to replace you."

"No... He wouldn't do that. I'm his-"

"Entertainment, at least until he gets bored."


Dazai wouldn't place me...right? I never thought about this before. If Sasaki becomes more...permanent, what will happen to us?

"Your doubting your old owner. I can see it. You know, if you stay by my side, I would never replace you. Your way to beautiful to be left to the side, or to only be used for entertainment. I would play with you every day and night."

Dazai... He... Will I be replaced?

"So what do you say?"

He leans in closer. But I was too deep in thought to care or notice.


Tears form in my eyes.

"I don't want to be replaced..."

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