6- recap

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So, a lot has been going on lately: I came home, found out about the multiverse, discovered my brother was a meta human, met the doppelgänger of the man who ruined my life, and on top of that, my best friend Iris introduces the team to her unknown brother.

Also, there is something completely wrong with me. I have absolutely no idea what it is but I will figure it out whether or not someone helps me.
Me, Cisco, and Harry were sitting in the cortex. Caitlin basically told me to babysit them so they didn't kill each other. I kept my distance from them because i'm still mad at Cisco and I just don't like Harry.

"What you got for me, Cisco?" Barry has been saving lives and running all morning.

"You've been playing Good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD, give Patty your attention?" Cisco was trying to get Barry to chill out for a second. I mean, he really has been nonstop lately.

"No, I can see her later." Oh, wow.

"'Cause we cannot afford to waste any more time."

"Oh, shut up", I whispered. But obviously not quiet enough since Harry turned his head and gave me a 'warning' look. Psh. I could kill him with my pinky.

"What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?" If they don't stop i'm gonna-

"I don't know what you've been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster."

"How about you guys stop bickering? I have such a massive migraine." They are so lucky I didn't decide to just knock them out and throw them into the pipeline. Harry looked at me and I thought I almost saw him go soft for a split second.

"We need to train to prepare for Zoom." This time he was talking to both Cisco and me. I just turned my chair back around and put my head in my hands. I still felt his eyes on me.

~Harry's POV~

I wonder what is going on with Luna. Her health has been off lately. I truly hope she's okay. Ramon's annoying voice forced me to look back over to him.

"Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning."

"I had my coffee this morning." He picked up his white S.T.A.R. Labs mug. "Don't slurp. Don't. Don't. Don't." Just then, the computers began to beep. I looked up to signal Luna to come over, but when I looked over to the desk she was sitting at, she wasn't there anymore. How did I not see her leave? No. I need to stop thinking about her and focus on Zoom.

hi this was boring and kinda short. sorry.
i've been busy and I wanted to sorta show how Luna feels towards Cisco and Harry.

please comment any suggestions/requests/ideas!

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