32- breakups and good advice

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"Barry! Where are you?!" I hear Cisco's voice far from me and in distress.

"I don't know! I lost Caitlin and Luna! There's too many of them, man."

"I'm right here, idiots." I stand up so they both see me.


"Okay! Chill out, Barry." I squat back down.

"You can take them, Barry. Just listen to me. You just need to do one thing." Ugh, here it comes.. "Run, Barry... RUN!"

Barry stands up, does a weird warrior cry and is almost immediately shot down. "Oh, come on.." He's literally a baby. He's baby.. "They got me."

"Oh, you have failed this city," Cisco says, which causes me to giggle. He runs out and does a weird growl thing and.... you guessed it... he's shot down, too.

"Fine.. I'll do it myself." I jump out, dodging all the lasers. I got one kid out and almost shot at another one when I heard Cisco.

"Luna! Stop doing that!" He whisper-yelled.

I roll my eyes. "UGH! Whatever..." I open my arms up and let the kids shoot me. "Oh noooo.... They got meeee." Cisco and Barry both laugh at me when I dramatically fall to the ground.

"Get up loser." Cisco puts his hand out and I take it.

"Thanks, stupid."


We're all sitting at a table waiting for Joe to get our food.

"You better watch yourself, Chad. Come at me at the paintball field next time. I'll kick your little a- Hey! Mrs. McConnell. How you doing? Chad's a treasure. He really is." Cisco is really gonna get himself in trouble one day...

Joe walks up to the table with FOOD in his hands! Sorry. I love food. "Pretzel for Caitlin, corn dog for Iris, two franks for Cisco... three burgers, five churros, and six funnel cakes for Barry, and two burgers and three corn dogs for Luna. Geez..."

I look over at Barry. "I didn't know there were funnel cakes!" Joe gives me a side-eye and I fail to hold in a laugh. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

We all enjoyed our meal and normal conversations for about five seconds until suddenly, all our phones began buzzing and beeping.

"Oh, God! Breach alert! We gotta go," Iris says to all of us.

I froze for a moment. Harry. What if it's Harry?

"Luna? You coming?"

I look up and see Barry with a worried look on his face. "Huh? Yeah!" I stand up from the bench and walk alongside Barry. It's really nice having him back. We all really missed him during the months he was in the speed force. Wally and Cisco were the ones out fighting and getting the bad guys. I couldn't bring myself to go out there. "Hey, Barry," He hums in response. "I missed you a lot. I'm glad you're back."

He smiles sweetly and replies, "I'm glad I'm back too," and pulls me into a side hug.


We all rush into the breach room and find Wally standing there with a huge smile along with a huge teddy bear and flowers. If Jesse is coming, that means Harry is coming. How am I supposed to talk to him after our conversation at HR's funeral? A breach forms and Harry walks right out of it. Only Harry. I walk up next to Wally because I know what's about to come next.

"Uh... Hey, Harry, um.. is Jesse not coming?"

Harry sighs and walks down the steps. My heart starts racing. "So, um..." He looks right at me and I searched for something, anything, that showed how he felt about me. There was nothing.

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsWhere stories live. Discover now