34- focus

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Using my powers, and with a swift movement of my hand, I throw a cardboard box across the room. I smile to myself and spin around on the balls of my feet to look at Harry. What I didn't expect was the furrowed brows and- wait, is that a look of disappointment? My smile falters and my hands find their way to my hips as I wait for an explanation for the twisted face he was directing toward the ripped up cardboard box on the other side of the room. After a moment in silence, he realized I was looking at him and cleared his throat to speak. This better be good...

"Oh. That was uh, that was cool." That's all I get? 'Cool'?

"Then why do you look like that?" I gave him just the right amount of attitude so he would realize just how upset I was.

"Okay. Fine.. Look, Luna. What you just did was totally amazing, don't get me wrong, but you should really work on being more precise with your telekinesis." I hate it when he's right.

"So then what do you suggest I do?"

I watched him as he shifted side to side for a moment, before looking up at me. He got an idea. I can see it in his face; the way he was trying to hide a smile and how he clasped his hands together softly.


"No! I won't do it!"

"Why not ?! It's completely harmless!" Harry said as he stood there holding a can of beans over his head. I honestly don't know where he got it from.

"How is it harmless ?! I could hit you and you could go flying across the room!"

"Just try it once, yeah?"

I open my mouth to protest once more but he gives me that look... that look ugh!

"Fine... but i'm not paying your medical bills."

"How kind of you."

~Harry's POV~
"Fine... but i'm not paying your medical bills."

"How kind of you." I notice the faintest smile creep into her face before she turned around quickly. It finally feels like things are getting normal between us again.. Well, whatever was our normal. "Ready?"


~Lunas POV~
I start forming a small orb in my hand and keep my eyes on the can. If I miss by even a quarter of an inch, this could go very wrong. My hand lifts and I launch the orb right at the can over Harry's head... But apparently, I have absolutely zero control over my powers and the orb flies right by Harry's left cheek. Oops. It hits the wall and makes a huge dent. "Uhhh... That's awkward..."

Harry looks around in total shock for a moment. "O-okay. Maybe that wasn't the best idea." He tosses the can onto the floor and it rolls halfway across the room. I look back at Harry and I see that frown once again... The his head shoots up and he snaps his fingers in my direction. "Got it. Come here."

"Oh no.."

"What? I didn't even tell you my idea yet!"

I simply give him an uneasy look, but he waves it off and starts picking things up from the corner of the room. "Harry." No reply. "Harry!" He hums in response this time. "What are you doing?"

"Okay. Now come here."

When I get closer I see a handful of nails, a hammer, and a plank of wood. What is going on here... Harry starts hammering the nails into the wood. This man is insane.

"Okay so you're going to pull the nails out with control and gently put them..." His voice trails off as he looks around the room quickly. "Oh! Put them in this container."

I let out a huge sigh and shake out my arms. Just when i'm about to begin, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Let me tell you now... INSTANT chills down my spine. I suddenly feel a breath on my neck.

"Just breathe. You got this."

All I could get out was a weak "mhm". Why must he be like this.. I'm trying to concentrate. Nonetheless, I continue. I reach my hand out and start pulling at the nail.

"I- I'm going to stand over here just in case."

"Good idea." I keep trying but I feel so out of control. "I can't do it, Harry."

"Sure you can! You just need to-"

"No, Harry! You don't understand! I physically and mentally can't do this. I have zero control over my powers and nothing is changing." Tears start forming in my eyes and I turn my face so he can't see.

"Hey. Don't you remember? I told you to never turn your face away from me... ever." Harry's next to me within seconds and his hand pushes my face ever so gently so it's in front of his. A tear escapes from my left eye and makes its way down my face. Before I can wipe it away, the tip of Harry's thumb is already there. I feel like he's always wiping my tears away. When will I not be a mess in front of him. The last thing I want is him to think i'm some charity case. "Okay. I have one last idea." I open my mouth to say no, but he cuts me off. "Don't worry it's not anything crazy." His hand leaves my cheek and I feel empty inside. Wow that sounds so dramatic. "Just stand right there and close your eyes."

"What?" I give him a confused look.

"Do you trust me?" Uh, does Barry run fast?

"Yes.. with my life." He gives me a small smile. I'll take what I can get!

"Okay close your eyes. Just listen to me, Luna. Breathe. Feel the energy pumping through your veins, running through you, traveling to every nerve in your body. Feel the power radiating off of you..."

My eyes shoot open and I feel the tears coming back. He sounds just like him.

"What's wrong, Luna?"

"Huh? Oh nothing... nothing! It's working." I shut my eyes tight.

"Okay.. Uh.. Just focus on the energy and power in you."

I start to feel this warmth all over my body as I sink deeper and deeper into.. I don't even know what to call it.

"Imagine you're on a cloud and- you're flying.."

"Like i'm flying," I repeat to myself.

"No, Luna. You're flying. You're literally flying!!"

I open my eyes to see I was, in fact, FLYING. "Ohhh my gosh. Harry i'm flying."

"You're flying Luna!!"

"This is cool and everything... but how do I get down??"

"Oh um.. Think like a rock!"

I giggle and shut my eyes tight and think like a rock. Suddenly, I feel arms around me, holding me up.

"You can open your eyes now, Luna," Harry said with the softest voice.

I open my eyes and there he is holding me in his arms. In that moment, I never wanted him to let go.... and he didn't. Harry put me down softly but kept his hands resting on my waist. I got lost in his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes that drew you in and were so hard to resist. Then, he pulled me in close, leaving barely any room between our faces. I had no time to react when he closed that space between us and kissed me so passionately like how he did before.

He pulled away, and I stood there, bewildered. After brushing hair out of my face he said with his smooth voice:
"What chance did I stand against kismet?"

I opened my mouth to literally confess the love I still had for him when we both heard that one voice we didn't want to hear.


Crap x100..

i am so terribly sorry...
ive been sooooo busy with school:(
but i thought i'd give you guys a new chapter cuz of quarantine and all that.
i'll try my best to update ! i just got a bunch of more ideas for this story.
sorry.. another cliff hanger loll
~yours truly
ps... almost 19k reads?!?! dude im so shook rn aH
thank you for the support xoxo

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ