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Kai has not spoken a word to me in weeks. I've also learned from Bea that Kai almost killed Macey in an angry fit. The Beta has threatened a packmate because she was unable to control her volatile emotions. It did not sit well with Alpha Milos. He reprimanded his sister but he was lenient considering I saved his son. Macey, too, received a thorough talking to for insubordination and engaging a frantic Kai in search of me.

Stretching, my numb limbs screamed. The promise to help me study was forgotten. Kai was out training some nights and some nights she has schoolwork to attend to. Studying was futile as my mind wandered off. I left the books and stood to find myself something to eat. At the sound of me getting down the stool, Cyrus's eyes followed my every move as if he was afraid I'd suddenly go 'poof' and disappear.

"Chillax, Cy. Only the delicious contents of this refrigerator will vanish." Yesterday's dinner does not entice me and my wrist is sore from going over a dozen exercise sheets. I'm not up to cooking. "Let's eat out?"

"No," Cyrus said. "We could have food delivered or one of the men outside could go run some takeout."

Yep, men. Kai went overboard when she got me additional protection. Only Cyrus and Edmund were allowed in, the rest were scattered outside the perimeter of the house. It felt like I was being placed under house arrest. I have never stepped a foot past the doors of this house in weeks. It's suffocating.

'You're standing in her place and walking her path.'

Mayari's bamboo cage versus my concrete prison. Mayari's attendants over my guards. I'm hearing chains clinking.

"We could invite Macey and Bea to join you," Edmund offered. "Do you want me to call them?"

Like Mayari used to have. Receiving audiences. I've met with Alpha Cross here because Kai wouldn't allow me to join the send-off party for Sid's pack. Macey and Bea have been dining here with me in my mate-imposed seclusion. Our Alpha pair and Kai's parents had dinner with us too. Here. Just here. Visitors in my prison.

"It's the weekend. I'm sure they'd like to join you," Cyrus added. "They're not busy."

Not busy? Living their lives, of course. Bea's college and Macey's work. Kai has pack duties. My parents are doing what they can to find surviving relatives. Busy. They could spare a few hours of their lives to pay me a visit. Me, a new healer being eyed to take Old Maya Lowell's duties.

'You're the last of her...'

Old Maya has been here once a week to teach me. Two of her attendants looked on as she taught me but what more could she teach when I've surpassed her in every aspect. She knew it. Alpha Milos knew it. Everybody who heard the tale of the Redwoods and Alpha Milos' son knew. I was the 'greatest healer' in centuries.

Another Mayari.

'... You are what you hate, Akì... '

"Arrah? Should we call them over?" Cyrus asked. My internal monologue was all I could process.

Metal ball and chains of their expectations felt heavy on my restrained ankles. My hands were limited by chains of their adoration. Dictating my life, they're turning me. My pack and Kai are making another Mayari out of me!

'Careful you'll end up like her...'

Adored and honored, this is not love. It's not supposed to feel this way. The imaginary noose around my neck tightened. My knees hit the tiled floor and my forehead hard against the refrigerator door, I grasped at the rope wound around my neck that my panicked mind has conjured. I wanted to breathe but I couldn't if I can't break loose.

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