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"Born as the village chief's daughter, Mayari was the only girl among the three sons for years. It was a decade after when her sister was born but by then, Mayari was already the binukot. As a hidden princess, she didn't have the freedom like all the other girls in their tribe but she was their village's treasure."

A treasure that was instantaneously given up to protect themselves.

"Plagued by visions, Mayari was also given the duty as a babaylan too. A healer. With divine help, a miracle worker. A connection far deeper than their current babaylan had, Mayari was favored by the gods and goddess. Two of which were Búlan and Haliyah."

And she was loved by you. She still is.

"Her physical body couldn't leave her home but her astral body could. As a dreamwalker, she could travel freely. She could see beyond what other mortals couldn't; yet knowing was not enough.

She fell into a trap. If you believe in good, you can never overlook evil. Both exist. The problem started with a choice. It would be totally wrong to say Mayari was the only gifted human. There were others too. To say the least, they choose the latter."

"The wheels had started turning and Mayari was dragged into a war she wished to not be a part of. That time, I could no longer watch so I did everything I could to protect her. Appearing in my original form, I made myself her guardian. In her place in the war, I killed but she burdened herself with guilt for letting me do so. Then she would go and heal as many as she can."

"That half-man half-beast that took her from her village paraded her around his conquered foes like a prized trophy and a symbol of power to terrorize them. (Her - ) My killing notoriety grew that evil drew close. Hoping to make an ally out of Mayari, they approached her in visions to convince her. When that failed, they allied themselves with the man that held Mayari. The time will come when there will be no pack left to conquer so he was readily convinced to strike at the gods.

He was easily corrupted. Those evil shamans merely watered the seed that has already been planted in his hungry heart. An army of immortal wolves and shamans under him, he deluded himself into believing he was invincible. To make himself an equal or more, he and his people would need to be immortal first."


'Búlan was the key to the elixir of immortality.'

"Fearing for her people, Mayari made the necessary precautions and hid them. Knowing that if the last of her husband's earthly enemies were through, they would carry out their ambitious - but I say foolish, plan. Striking at the gods?" Baku shook her head at the preposterous plot. "As a last resort, Mayari set her plan and went against him - saving the pack that man wanted to annihilate. Spoiling their plans. That put a brief stop to things. Mayari lived with them and had a child."

Was that jealousy or wishfulness I hear?

Seeing her love and be happy with another man?

My thoughts not hidden, Baku said, "So as long as she's happy... I would stand down but I would never leave. If she'd need me, I'd be close. I'd have been happier if she'd call on me once. She was mine but I do not own her. I loved her and loved what she loves. And so, I loved her child, Akì."

I can't say the same. Had I been born with a wolf in me and stronger, I wouldn't have shrunk back and challenged for Kai.


"Alas, it was shortlived. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and perhaps, the inner working of the mind to be destructive when idle?" A clear still lake appeared before us. It was where Mayari was regrettably left to be laid in unpeaceful rest.

"The elders in her beloved's pack were turned by the same agents of evil and so another battle was waged. Mayari did not approve and held herself and her daughter out from the fight but those evil shamans would not let her be. As the only one directly connected with and could call on Búlan, they needed Mayari. Targeting her daughter with a curse, the babe's health began to deteriorate. There was only little Mayari could do to help her child. She asked Haliyah and Búlan's help but none came. They refused for reasons only they knew."

'Do not look up. You'll find no help over there.'

It was what Mayari said as I turned to Búlan for help.

'Trust me. I know that for a fact. All-seeing yet they turn a blind eye.'

'The gods and goddesses might as well be blind.'

No help...

"Only those evil conjurers could break the spell and it's either Mayari submits to them or let her daughter die..."

"Búlan was captured..." I said. "Mayari chose to submit."

Shaking her head, Baku turned to me and gently caressed my cheek with her cold hand. "She turned her back on her child, Akì. Though anguished, she left her to die."


After their reluctance to give her and her daughter a hand?

Disbelieving, I mechanically repeated what Baku said. "She'd rather let her daughter die?"

How could she do that?

* * *


"Why didn't you tell me about what you knew Milos!" I then proceeded to kick and punch the sandbag to vent my frustrations and my anger. "What's the use if you keep me in the dark involving crucial stuff? Am I only your Beta in name? Or by relation?"

It's been five days since we returned from Oakwood. Five days and I have been hurt, sad, and angry at most. Sid and that Búlan in Arrah's body together irked me. To blend in, Búlan adapted a semblance of human traits. She no longer glowed and floated ethereally. The shade of her iris returned to Arrah's previous heterochromia eyes and no longer blue. In short, she looked exactly like Arrah with the godly theatrics.

"What! Come on, Kai! Everybody knows you earned it." He walked to stand a safe distance beside the bag. Good because I didn't want him to take it personally if I happened to hit him. He knew things ahead and chose to keep them from me. "Only a few Alphas were in on it. Alpha Cross had only acknowledged a little while back that our pack had nothing to do with the band of evil magic users but still, he had to be cautious."

Alpha Cross of the Fallen Moon pack and his subordinate Aquil both knew Sid's real identity. Goddess of death? They had the goddess of death on their side directing the show.

"How do we know we could trust them if they kept things like Sid hidden?" I punched a hole through the sandbag and its contents flowed.

The packs that were attacked were proven to have been colluding with the enemies. Those dark magic users were responsible for the attack on Arrah and the death of her relatives. Making them live was inexcusable. Those packs were highly monitored and will be facing their sanctions at the soonest time possible when the last of those fleeing shamans were captured and burned.

"Directing your anger at me is futile." Sid suddenly popped out of nowhere, her usual coal-black feathers swirling and vanishing into smoke. Soon enough, Arr - Búlan appeared escorted by her orbed lights.

Them together... it rankled me.

What should have been Arrah's glowing smile was given to Sid...

The arms that hugged me before were clinging on Sid...

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